
2016 Brings some refinements

Distance Learning Program:

  • Guru Certification Course
  • Practitioner Certification Course

The evolution of KunTao Silat’s instructional perspective has changed considerably over the course of three and a half decades. With the addition of a complete new system, advances in technology, refinements in teaching methods and a great deal of thought and feedback from students, we have evolved and refined the two paths to better serve the needs and desires of those who choose to follow the American Martial LifeStyle known as KunTao Silat.

First, there is a definite distinction between those who simply want to learn KunTao Silat for their own personal reasons and those who have a desire to teach and share KunTao Silat with their family, friends and community.

The Distance Learning Program has always been available for the first genre of People. This original program we now term the Practitioner  Certification Course and in 2016 the requirements for advancement to Practitioner Level have been relaxed to not include applications from each of the forms ~ mostly because many such individuals find themselves without practice partners. Of course, application is critically important ~ but it is a personal matter for each practitioner and will no longer be a requirement for advancement.

For the Guru Certification Course ~ on the other hand, the requirements for those who desire to teach have become more rigourous because KunTao Silat’s reputation is on-the-line when People step forward to teach. We want to be sure that those individuals have all the KunTao Silat tools honed and tested at each level of progression so that we can properly endorse, certify and support those representatives of our American Martial LifeStyle.

Now, there are also two systems to choose from. Malabar for the young, fit and un-damaged and American for the more mature and experienced, scars and injuries notwithstanding. And, of course, both systems are available for the martial geeks and those who own or manage martial arts schools.

We have also developed and introduced a new On-Line-Learning Center that will provide a state-of-the-art learning system with all the videos, tools and refinements immediately accessible from your computer or personal communication device.

With this perspective, KunTao Silat makes the following changes below for the year 2016.

May you all have a blessed & inspired New Year,



Practitioner Certification Course Requirements:

Entry into the P.C.C. with registration and member benefits can be attained in several ways:

  • 10 DVD Set ~ Combination AKTS/MKTS: $200
  • 6 DVD American Set: $150
  • 6 DVD Malabar Set: $150
  • Combination Download: $150
  • American Download: $100
  • Malabar Download: $100
  • Testing Fee: $100 per level | Test only Forms & Kembaggan for each level if certification is desired; it is not required.
  • Optional: Inner Circle Membership

Guru Certification Course Additional Requirements:

  • Lead a practice group
  • Test with applications and written thesis | Provide video of your practice class for each level: $50 {half price testing fee}
  • KTS Learning Management System: $100 entry plus $20/month or $200/year
  • Inner Circle Membership {for current GCC Members}: $10/month | $100/year
  • Host one seminar per year for Joe or bring a group to NM
  • Personal Test with Joe, Aric or Steve for Guru Muda Certification
  • Sign official liability waiver and video consent

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