

  • Greg posted an update 9 years, 11 months ago

    At almost 55, I have been searching for the right martial art for me to study for some time and was tossed between JKD and Krav Maga. I had taken JKD about ten years ago and after a seminar with Larry Hartsell left me with a fairly bad back injury I never returned to it. I am getting older and feeling like I lost a lot of time and wanted to find the right style for me and I think after lots of soul searching, watching and comparing many various M/A training videos, assessing my skills and limitations etc. and asking a lot of dumb questions, this may be the style I would like to pursue. As I often see it combined with arts like JKD and Silat, I wasn’t sure if it was a stand alone art or just some new techniques to add to existing styles but after watching several videos I think it will do nicely for what I am looking for which is basic street self defense should it ever be necessary as well as an enjoyable and education training system.

    • Hi Greg and welcome! Good to have you here. It’ll be interesting to have a JKD/Krav Maga perspective to throw into the mix.

      From my little experience, I find this art to be more geared towards actual self defense instead of flashy stuff.

      I hope you got my email about your order as well, let me know however I may be of assistance!

    • Hi Greg,
      KunTao Silat is a stand-alone art, larger and more comprehensive that most folks ever see – but it’s principles make all other arts work more effectively and can be applied as a collegiate-level where other arts leave off. That’s why so many “eclectic” martial arts include KunTao Silat in their mix.
      Welcome to the KTS Forum.