
How's the best way to work through the course?

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    • #4239

      Hi everyone,

      Now, I watched the Intro video, so I understand that there is no step-by-step process to learning KunTao Silat. But is there a suggested way to practice from the videos in order to get ready for testing? For example, should I work on the Basics video and then the Basic Applications video to prepare for Level 1?

      Any guidance would be greatly appreciated.


      • This topic was modified 9 years, 1 month ago by John.
    • #4241

      I’m sorry, having taken a look at some other postings, I think I found the info I was looking for. But still, any guidance on starting out would be appreciated.

    • #4251

      Howdy John,
      KunTao Silat honours the ancient tradition of training with the ‘master’ in the backyard. In our case it is by video, but the principle remains the same.

      The major concept is that you learn by doing, not by being told the specifics. It is the principles that provide the keys. By training with the videos, you see what the teacher is doing and by replicating that movement pattern you inculcate that information into your muscle memory so that, in time, your movements become instinctively KunTao Silat. Then your mind is freed to understand the where and why for of the combat chess KunTao Silat calls applications or play.

      It is also good to watch the applications as you train, so that you will see where the movements are utilized, the timing, the placement, the angles of incident and the targets.

      KunTao Silat is a martial LifeStyle ~ so time spent in training the basics will always yield a great reward in the application department. You will also discover significant health benefits along the way.

      Spend some time with the Personal Training DVD or video as well, because your personal kembaggan is a very critical key to your progress in KunTao Silat as an integral part of the “constant training” concept.

      Finally, starting or joining a practice group will provide a vehicle for application training that will accelerate your learning process to warp-drive.

      Train hard ~ fight easy~

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