
Injuries and Training/Testing

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    • #635
      Steven Vance

      This was a second topic both Guru Art and Guru Aric asked me to start.

    • #1544

      Yes Steven, I can relate.Most of my training has been accompanied by injuries since my introduction to silat, then kuntao; but actually had it's genesis much earlier. My first major injury was caused by a trampoline accident as a child. My lower spine remained in a constant state of pain from the time I was Eight or so until I came off my motorcycle at 95 out by Indio, California and in addition to all the flesh the asphalt ripped off, my upper spine and neck suffered some pretty intense damage. Fortunately, my healing process led me to spring-board diving ~ and the stretching for the pike position started healing both injuries as the sun repaired my torn and tattered flesh.Tae Kwon Do stretches damaged the tendons in my legs, but silat began the healing process ~ simply by ceasing the silly stretches and kuntao began re-strengthening the tendons with the horse-stance training. Willem was practicing his De Mak on me though, so when my arm blew up larger than my leg I finally checked into the emergency room and was immediately hospitalized with what they termed a sub-clavial venal thrombosis and was told that I could not live more than a few days without immediate surgery and was put on an IV cumadin drip. I decided to go home to die and my friend Bill Chang and his wife Lisa came to see me. Sifu Chang (U Un Surya) offered to treat me and during the process taught me many things that have been an immeasurable blessing in my life and health.

    • #1545
      Steven Vance

      Thank you, for the encouragement.

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