
Master Silat in 7 Days!

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  • Author
    • #694
      Elijah Gartin

      Hi Everyone,I just noticed someone posted a wonderful link to such a wonderful program on our facebook page today.Just thought I would share so you can enjoy this as much as I did.https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1421064564837542&id=121036984606809&notif_t=share_wall_createI also hope you can appreciate sarcasm. ::)Anyway, back to the grind.<3 Elijah

    • #1620
      Elijah Gartin

      I seen that too!I hope you messed with them a bit 🙂

    • #1621
      Elijah Gartin

      I seen that too!I hope you messed with them a bit 🙂

    • #1622

      Good thing we ain't in it for the money. Some folks are really good at bullshit. We are out-gunned in that department.

    • #1623
      Tim Nichols

      I haven't mastered silat yet, and apparently it only takes 7 days. I have clearly been wasting a great deal of time over the last 14 years. Please don't tell my wife…

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