
Order of Videos for Level 1 (home study course)

Welcome to KunTao Silat ~ the American Martial LifeStyle Forums General Category Questions Order of Videos for Level 1 (home study course)

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    • #3703

      I have just signed up for the home study course and received an email with links to the level 1 videos…
      Download 1: American Basics
      Download 2: Malabar Basics
      Download 3: Triangle Hand Set
      Download 4: AKTS Triangle Sets
      Download 5: Lankas Nol
      Download 6: Kendang Triangle Set
      Download 7: Inner Circle Greeting
      Download 8: Guru Course Introduction

      I was wondering if these are in the correct order of study, or is the order not important?


    • #3725

      Hi Paul, I have not seen the latest vids that are provided, so I’m not sure what content is available in which ones – but – the absolute best place to start is with the basic legwork and handwork. Get that down rock solid before moving on to other stuff and you will develop real skill.

      A lot of folks rush through this because they are eager to advance, but believe me true advancement comes from doing the hard work first!

      Welcome to the club, this art is extremely rewarding for those that choose to walk the walk!

    • #3727

      I got started last night on the American KunTao Silat Basics video. I did better than I thought I would. Thanks for the advice and I will most definitely take notice of it. I wish I had been more aware of the the importance of the basics when I started hapkido. It would have made such a difference in the the higher levels.

      Thanks again


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