
Pak Steve will review video testing this week

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    • #3584

      May 31st to June 5th I will have the good fortune to be reviewing video tests.

      Additionally, the New Djurus Satu 2015 DownLoad will be immediately available upon payment of the testing fee, for free.

      As we become more adroit with computer editing we add features like DVD menus to our offerings. We are also finding footage that has been lost for years and appending the original titles, like Djurus Satu, Serak and CiMande.

      Now we also have the on-line resources to offer downloadable video versions of many of our most popular titles, so as possible, we will include one of the new offerings with each testing fee, so that people who are progressing in the Systems can have the most current information to work with.

      To initiate the testing process you will need a Vimeo account to upload your video test to and pay the testing fee.

      I look forward to seeing you in action!

      Pak Steve

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