
Testing at Seminars

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    • #611

      Greetings GentlePeople,I wanted to be sure that everyone understands that testing for rank is free at the Guru's Seminars.Guru Derric is having a seminar this month in the Atlanta area. Anyone ready to test for the next level can do so at the event. Normal seminar fees apply, but testing is without charge. Please follow Guru Derric at: http://americankuntaosilat.comGuru Aric has regular classes and seminars in the Denver area and will also honor the testing without charge principle at his gatherings. The point of the program is Proficiency ~ not profit.Yah's richest blessings on you all,Steve

    • #1503
      Elijah Gartin

      Couldn't agree more. My Saturday classes in addition are also free. ALWAYS.Aric

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