
Testing Requirements


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    • #5527

      I believe I saw something outlining testing requirements for the Guru Certification Program of American Kuntao Silat but cant find it now. I’ve been spending most of my time watching the first 3 videos in the series. Is it like this: For level show the warmup, leg exercises, and triangle work. For Level 2 Juru Satu and some applications…and a kembangan? For level 3, not sure, Lanka Dua, application and a kembangan? Thanks for the help. Rick

    • #5540

      The best place to keep up to date is going to be the Vimeo testing group, in my opinion, but here’s what I understand of it, just for another perspective:

      Any level can have applications, including level 1. For level 1, you have the applications to every level 1 stance or drill, and for the triangle work. So for example, you might show your understanding of striking mechanics, use of the foot and body turning to get off line, use of entries, inside/outside sapu, inside/outside biset, turning throws and controlling an opponent on the ground instead of releasing him with the throw, etc. With level 3, it’s encouraged to throw in work on the Sera(k) jurus as an extracurricular thing (there was talk of making them mandatory for American style).

      Passing without partner applications ranks you as a practitioner. With applications, you advance through the guru course, which is learned by students teaching each other as they go through the videos and work on the material.

      If you do level 1 and 2 material together, the applications overlap and can be one segment.

      Of course, all of this is also easier if you subscribe to the Vimeo page and join the KTS testing group on Vimeo. There are a bunch of non-public videos that go into more depth on the techniques, along with videos of other students plus Steve’s commentary.

      You could go by this for the Malabar style: http://www.malabarkuntaosilat.com/Path.html (I’m not sure if this is up to date. I believe djurus 1-8 are no longer required for Malabar’s level 2 test.)

      • This reply was modified 8 years, 1 month ago by Christopher.
    • #5542

      Excellent, Thank You Christopher.
      I want to put a script together of what to do in what order to video instead of just winging it and in the process missing something. I will review and compare the vimeo videos, thanks dude!

    • #5543

      This is an excellent example of what I had hoped would develop through the PracticeLeader Program. In spite of the fact that my organization of the video learning programs and testing procedures leaves a lot to the imagination, Rick wants to be very precise in his personal teaching ~ so he asks questions.

      Christopher, who has recently progressed through the first levels has set forth, from personal experience, what the basics of the first level is about and then some. Christopher attended the AKTS Family Gathering, so observed the testing process in real time with several folks at different levels. Not everyone has that opportunity. Through this communication media, he has assisted a fellow KTS guru-in-the-making help crystalize the program as so many have requested.

      I will be very interested in your script when it is first constructed Rick. If you would; please publish it in this thread.

      Christopher also identifies one of several topics that can bear some discussion, like the Serak Djurus. Let’s consider some of these topics as well.

      For testing, I like to see applications from Level One on. With progression, I like to see variations on applications appropriate for the forms of each level. Kembaggan is also very important to me because of what can be seen with the practitioner’s progression through the program. The WarmUp is one of the KTS standards that should be a part of every class, so it should also be included in at least one test so that I can see that all the PracticeLeaders have that solid.

      Christopher is spot on with the Vimeo Testing Group being the best current information. I get a better idea with each test what the common difficulties of mastering KunTao Silat are. By sharing each other’s testing critiques, members have important specific information available before testing so that each generation of KunTao Silat teachers have a clearer path to widen with their understanding. I have recorded many answers to common questions and corrections in those critique videos.

      I also have great expectations for the Learning Management System as a means of providing up-to-date information to everyone immediately.

      Keep up the fine work, and thank you for your efforts.

    • #5848

      OK. . . here goes:

      Level One ~ the most difficult by some accounts
      TriAngle Hand & Leg Sets
      Lankas Nol {for Malabar}
      Applications for teacher certification

      Level Two through Six:
      Level Specific form for practitioner / applications for teacher

      What have I missed? Oh yeah. . . the KunTao Silat Testing Group ~ where all the latest info on testing is to be found.

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