
The Health Benefits of Stance Practice

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      Many of us who grow up on martial arts entertainment like movies, television, or video games often come across the classic, “montage” where the protagonist is made to hold horse stance or something similar whilst being berated by the master.

      Most of the classical martial arts originally required long hours of stance training before any other material was shared. In modern times, this practice has failed by the wayside as most schools are commercially driven, and few Americans possess the discipline or tenacity to endure the “old ways.”

      By why is stance training so important?

      You are literally building your foundation. You are learning how to align your bones, activate your muscles and tendons, and build your proprioception and interception so that your body is capable of managing tremendous forces safely.

      Stance practice is isometric in nature, meaning that the muscles hold tension at a fixed angle over time. This helps build the mind-muscle relationship so the maximum amount of fibers can be recruited. It literally remodels your connective tissues to become denser yet also more flexible, allowing you to load up in preparation for dynamic forces such as leaping, kicking, striking, grappling, and sprinting. If the tendons and fascia are well developed, the incidence of injury is much lower as increasingly vigorous exercises are undertaken.

      Moreover, holding stances develops the muscle gently with minimal trauma associated with conventional resistance training, making it safe for daily practice and helpful in recovery. Blood flow is increased to all of the tissues, the body temperature and heart rate increase, and the metabolism is raised.

      Training can be customized to the existing physicality and needs of each player. Over time, an unusual and explosive kind of power is cultivated alongside a steely mental and spiritual discipline.

      Best of all, no equipment or expensive gym memberships are required. Just time and determination: Kung fu!


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