
Traditional Indonesian Blades CHEAP!!!

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  • Author
    • #452
      Travis C

      I will resubmit the post I made in the Blades section here for all to see. When i figure out how to post pictures here, I will get them up. Anyone know how, let me know!!!Here is the deal. The karambits that Art posted are directly from a contact of mine from Indonesia. I am setting up a trade agreement with him and am looking to bring a package in that contains an assortment of traditional Indonesian blades. If you want in on this, I will let you have the blade or blades at cost. I am not going to try to make money off of this deal only set up this trade so it is a good oppurtunity for people to get a traditional made piece of art for next to nothing. I will upload pics of the blades in a few. So far the package will contain a new keris, 5 karambit, and 2 badik. A lot of exotic woods and burls used and the keris is complete with a traditional pamor(damascus) blade. Here are the prices....keris 125.00, 2 badik 90.00ea, 5 karambit 40.00ea. If I can get enough of these placed then the order can go out. Fair warning though, it can take up to 4 weeks to arrive from Indonesia. If interested send email to traviscaton@live

    • #887
      Travis C


    • #888
      Travis C


    • #889
      Travis C

      Keris with 11Luk blade

    • #890

      ;D Hey Travis, you got the pictures up!I want a Karambit.

    • #891
      Travis C

      The karambits and others that you see are the actual knives being ordered. You can definitely choose which you want. The only thing that would change that is if the supplier changed up a blade for some odd reason, which in turn I would notify you. Once the order has been placed it takes up to 4 weeks to arrive. Once I get a few of the knives placed (paid for and held) I will place the order.

    • #892
    • #893

      OK Travis,I want the second from the left.

    • #894
      Travis C

    • #895
      Travis C

      OK Travis,I want the second from the left.

    • #896

    • #897
      Travis C

      I believe it is.

    • #898
      Travis C

      Update: Order is in. I have placed most of the blades already but do have a single karambit left. In the photo it is the one on the far left. Another order will be going up soon so stay posted.

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