
Use of LU-1 and LI-4 Acupressure Points

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    • #608
      Steven Vance

      (I posted this in a private group on Facebook back in April, 2011, while talking with some Malaysian pesilat friends, and thought it might be interesting to all…)In a recent discussion here concerning a student of Ng Eng Quan’s, I suggested that the use of acupuncture points LU-1 (Lung 1) and LI-4 (Large Intestine 4) could be of benefit in dealing with his asthma. Pakcik was interested to hear more about it. I’ve put together a little information here on Lung 1. I’ll follow up with Large Intestine 4 in the next day or two.Let me say first that I am not formally trained in acupuncture/acupressure. My observations come from personal experience. I was training with a teacher of Kuntao Silat here in the US who offered me treatment for some sinus and chest congestion I was suffering from that was interfering with my training. With sustained pressure on these points, the congestion in my head cleared to the point that I could easily breathe through my nose, while the tightness in my chest relaxed, and I was able to breathe more deeply. The techniques can be rather painful. As long as I relaxed and didn’t fight the pain, it wasn’t too bad.As pesilat, we are all familiar with Lung 1. Every time we slap our shoulders while moving around practicing Silat, we are striking LU-1 (and other points). We are not just keeping our opponents off-balance when we strike our bodies. We are also doing things that can increase our effectiveness as fighters. In this case, by opening our lungs a little so that we are getting more oxygen when we most need it. I believe this helps a little to offset the intense fatigue that occurs in real combat. The teacher who taught me these points told me that was one of the reasons gorillas slapped themselves just before rushing their opponents! For those who work with energy (Qi, Prana, etc), I have also read that the energy is carried in our lymphatic fluid. We have as much lymphatic fluid as we do blood. The writer indicated that stomping and slapping motions were a preferred method for circulating lymphatic fluid, and thus keeping the energy aroused and flowing through their bodies. I don’t believe it is an accident that pesilat stomp and slap themselves while practicing/fighting. The ancients knew what they were doing.Lung 1(LU-1): Zhong Fu(??) - The “Central Palace” or “Central Treasury”. Lung 1 supports the lungs, acting as the collection point for the energy of the lungs and helping lung Qi to descend through the body en route to the kidneys.LU-1 is excellent for strengthening the lungs and treating breathing problems, to include chest (respiratory) congestion, asthma, acute coughs (as opposed to chronic), and sore throats. It can also be used in the treatment of upper back and shoulder pain. It can be useful for clearing emotions.To locate the point, find the depression just below the lateral (outside) end of the collarbone, beside the pectoralis major muscle. LU-1 is one thumb’s width below and a little to the side, on the muscle. This point is tender for most people. If you are having difficulty finding it, ask the person to extend their arm and instruct them to offer resistance as you push against their hand with sufficient force to emphasize the delto-pectoral triangle.Vascular and nerve structures associated with this area include:• Intermediate supraclavicular nerve• branches of the anterior thoracic nerve• lateral cutaneous branch of the first intercostal nerve• Superolaterally, axillary artery and vein• thoraco-acromial artery and veinWhen treating the patient, press laterally (towards the shoulder) with your thumbs to a depth of 1-2 cm, holding this point while taking deep, slow breaths. Energy work/visualization, if you are familiar with it, is appropriate. Do not press deeply towards the midline (centerline), or vertically, as these insertions can cause a pneumothorax (air escaping from the lung into the chest cavity…a very serious, sometimes fatal, condition requiring immediate medical attention).If treating yourself, the pressing techniques may be difficult. One could certainly use slaps or open-hand percussive blows of moderate strength to the region of LU-1. Do not use excessive power. What we use to heal can also be used to harm.Be gentle. Have fun. Explore.Steven1-s2.0-S1461144903000732-gr4.jpgNatural-Headache-Remedies-St.-Helens-Scappoose-Rainer-Claskatine-Oregon-97051.jpg

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