
What is that move?


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    • #4556

      As part of the evolving KunTao Silat learning system, we are endeavouring to provide meaningful names for the movements, elements, strategies, energies, and various aspects of KunTao Silat.

      If you want to know what something is called, please notate the time code and the link to the KTS video where it is found.

      I will cut out that video and publish it so that all the KTS people can view and comment until we come to a logical conclusion as to what it will be known as in English.

      Here’s an example for a start:

      What from KunTao Silat

      What do you call this movement?

    • #5655
      Jonathan Pyndus

      Does “Tornado Elbow” sound to Rex Kwon Do like? 😛

      How about “Naga Siku/Dragon Elbow” since it involves the whirling footwork Poqua, and if followed through on an enemy you could very well end up in a Dragon Step or King Dragon Seat?

    • #5673

      That is a logical direction Jon. I actually added the reverse turn to address the issue of rapidly changing at the lower gate to accommodate the chaos of combat. So, although tornadoes do not change direction, it is a good English explanation.

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