Duane and Steve Gartin are now friends 6 years, 1 month ago
Steve Gartin replied to the topic in the forum Duane 6 years, 4 months ago
Estevan Mulloni I agree Aric. Usually people don’t want to do the “boring” training. They are just looking for the “Bruce Lee” Pill and want to punch and kick hard and fast from the beginning. Without solid foundations a building is doomed to collapse, and the foundations of our practice are the Stances; that need to be understood and experienced.…[Read more]
Steve started the topic How do you build up the shins for the collision of shins? in the forum Training Tips 8 years, 8 months ago
Duane sent me an email with a good question:
Hello Pak Steve, How do you build up the shins for the collision of shins?
To which I replied:
Good day Duane,
Well, mine got built up by clanging shins with everyone I could find to play with.
And hitting them with sticks and my hands and fingers to harden everything at once.
And…[Read more]