John replied to the topic KTS Curriculum for testing purposes in the forum Beginning Practitioners 8 years, 10 months ago
Thank you Pak Steve. The problem is, the links don’t seem to work. They both say “page not found.”
John started the topic KTS Curriculum for testing purposes in the forum Beginning Practitioners 8 years, 10 months ago
Hello all,
I’m excited to hear about the new developments here at KunTao Silat. I now have a question or two for clarity’s sake. Has the curricula for both American and Malabar KTS changed, and if so, what are the testing requirements for each level? I merely ask so that I don’t leave anything out when I make my testing videos.
John started the topic Favorite Bible Verse for martial artists in the forum Scripture and the Sword 9 years ago
Hey everyone, I want to start a discussion about favorite Bible verses.
As a martial artist, I believe the most appropriate verse is Proverbs 16:32; “The patient are better than warriors, and those who rule their temper, better than the conqueror of a city.”
Then there’s Luke 6:36, “Be merciful, just as [also] your Father is merciful.”
John replied to the topic Written Curriculum in the forum Questions 9 years ago
Thanks everyone for your input so far. Pak Steve, I see that it’s the American curriculum you’ve provided. How about the Malabar KTS curriculum? It’s my understanding that the first two levels are the same as American…
John started the topic KTS T-shirts? in the forum General Discussion 9 years, 1 month ago
Hi everyone.
When I was looking at the DLP videos, I saw Pak Steve performing Lankas Dua and wearing a t-shirt with the KTS logo.
I was wondering, where can I get one? It looks really cool, and I think would be great for the KTS community.
John replied to the topic How's the best way to work through the course? in the forum Beginning Practitioners 9 years, 2 months ago
I’m sorry, having taken a look at some other postings, I think I found the info I was looking for. But still, any guidance on starting out would be appreciated.
John started the topic How's the best way to work through the course? in the forum Beginning Practitioners 9 years, 2 months ago
Hi everyone,
Now, I watched the Intro video, so I understand that there is no step-by-step process to learning KunTao Silat. But is there a suggested way to practice from the videos in order to get ready for testing? For example, should I work on the Basics video and then the Basic Applications video to prepare for Level 1?
Any guidance would…[Read more]
John started the topic How's the best way to work through the course? in the forum Beginning Practitioners 9 years, 2 months ago
Hi everyone,
Now, I watched the Intro video, so I understand that there is no step-by-step process to learning KunTao Silat. But is there a suggested way to practice the techniques in order to practice from the videos? For example, should I work on the Basics video and then the Basic Applications video to prepare for Level 1?
Any guidance…[Read more]