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    • #1357

      You are a very nice person sir. Unfortunately I do not know GM surya's family personally. But one day if I ever get to know them I will mention you sir 🙂 God bless.. 🙂

    • #1355

      Very perceptive Sigobang, You are correct. GM Surya gave me the information necessary to adapt his knowledge to my style. He always shared essence with me and never endeavoured to craft me into his mould. I carry this concept forward to my disciples. I honour Bill Chang as my true teacher and mentor.I cordially invite any of GM Surya's disciples to teach the KTS Family. Please let them know.May YHVH richly bless your House and Family,Steve

      Thanks 🙂I can help contacting Uncle Surya's disciples, but they are mostly located in Bandung sir 🙂

    • #1353

      very nice. I think it's quite familiar with what I have seen done by GM Surya disciples. The rooting, rotation, closing the gap, except the spine part, as far as I know they always keep the spine as straight as possible without leaning forward or back.. Very nice. Thanks for the video

    • #1350

      @tanto: wow, really nice to finally meet fellow local Bandung guys who show interest on GM U'un Surya… I would really like to meet your dad… my guru is not a direct student from shifu u'un as I said earlier in my post, he is a junior to GM U'un while they were practicing maenpo from pak Adung Rais.. they are also good friends… Please contact me on my mobile phone (022)70736222, thank you very2 much @tantoI have actually met 2 guys in Bandung who are direct students from GM Thio cuan un, one of them is only in his mid 30's.

    • #1344

      I came across this http://www.makephpbb.com/nubreed/viewtopic.php?p=471&sid=c8eb73a8a05cf6a5072f7667d547dfea&mforum=nubreed on the internet a few times. Its been written in several forum, and I think I need to correct a fact about GM U'Un surya. It is said that uncle U'un Surya died in an anti chinese riot In Indonesia. All I have to say is, this is not true. I know a lot of people that are close friend to him. The truth is he passed away peacefully somewhere in Bandung. God bless his soul...

    • #1343

      Thank you very much sir…

    • #1340

      Hi guys. I am so excited in joining this forum where I can finally meet fellow silat fighters from another countries. I used to study under Wes Tasker who had been a student of Guru Victor DeThouars back when I was still studying in Boston. I too am very interested in GM Bill Chang, so it'd be a treat (for everyone) if someone could post some videos of GM Bill Chang.

      second that 😀

    • #1338

      Oh my God. I cannot thank you guys enough with the information and pictures. I am really glad to see this. Thank you very very much

    • #1334

      Thanks Elijah. 🙂

    • #1332

      thanks for the speedy reply 😀Have you met him personally? I am really curious on how he moves on his contact reflexes, how he moves to make every conflict to become closed ranged fighting. How he lures and traps his opponents. If any suheng here could give me more pics or videos of him, I would be one of the happiest man 😀Salam

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