KunTao Silat Learning Options
There are three ways to start to learn KunTao Silat today:
10 DVD Guru Course / 10 MP4 Video Download / On Line Learning System Subscription
{Click the Links above for more information}
American and Malabar systems downloads available individually
AKTS Download:
MKTS Download:
New: KunTao Silat On-Line Learning Center
From it inception in the late 1970s, KunTao Silat, like most ancient traditional martial arts, has been learned by following along with the ‘master’ as he practiced in the early morning darkness. In the 1980s technology provided a means to teach the art by video, so Pak Steve began filming and has been sharing the art with people all over the world for over 30 years now.
In 2014 a major advancement in web technology provided yet another opportunity to teach KunTao Silat by on-line video in an interactive manor where those learning KunTao Silat could upload testing video for critique and keys to improvement. This course is an out-growth of that concept.
In 2016 the technological pieces came together whereby we could open up the entire KunTao Silat video archives for serious student practitioners and also break the component parts into easily learned blocks of video information. Here, with the new KunTao Silat on-line Learning Management System, we provide guidance and feedback at every stage of the practitioner’s development. You have the capability of noting video clips by timeline and ask specific questions that can then be addressed on the Guru Forum where everyone interested can voice their opinion, research, video or other perspectives so that the knowledge base grows and answers are readily available for seekers, thus accelerating their progression in skill and knowledge.
Local KunTao Silat classes:
The best way to “tie-it-all-together” is to practice applications with trusted friends and training partners. Local PracticeGroups and certified Teachers will be found by clicking the above link.
A short introduction to the American Martial LifeStyle known as KunTao Silat. The beauty of KunTao Silat is that the forms and training methods translate directly into actual combat techniques. Practitioners do not train one way and fight another. Many of KunTao Silat’s movements are unique and much of what makes it so effective is rooted in a very unique synergism of legwork and handwork, whether armed or unarmed. KunTao Silat Practitioners build the legwork and handwork into their daily life so they can train constantly. Constant KunTao Silat Training also provides health benefits and helps to correct many chronic postural problems.
KunTao Silat’s Guru Certification Course from KunTao Silat
Steve discusses Malabar & American KunTao Silat
KunTao Silat background
Two rich martial heritages melded into a synergistic American Martial Lifestyle
Historically, kuntao and silat have been practiced by ethnic groups divided by language and cultural diversities. Kuntao was the term describing the ethnic Chinese martial arts and silat was the generic term for the warrior arts practiced by the indigenous Indonesian peoples.
Our GrandTeachers U.Un Surya & Willem de Thouars had the rare privilege of studying both arts in Indonesia.
In the late 1970’s and the early 1980’s three of the four de Thouars brothers, Willem, Paul and Victor and a Chinese Indonesian I shing Ie grandmaster, U. Un Surya came to Colorado to live and teach. A small group of dedicated practitioners had the honor of studying with these four world-class grandmasters of kuntao and silat. Sigung Steve Gartin is among that small group and has meticulously documented, via video, the grand martial journey for posterity.
In 1981 KunLun Pai was introduced to the world in an event hosted by Pak Victor de Thouars in Southern California. This was the first melding of the two diverse martial styles.
The brutally hard training and the extreme contact kept the student rolls very small during the first 20 years or so. Until 1988, none of the de Thouars brothers cared to promote their arts publicly.
In 1993 Steve Gartin introduced KunTao Silat to America. Maintaining the heart and soul of the two great martial arts, Sigung Gartin adapted training methods geared for the American life-style to the tactical considerations and training required to actually apply silat and kuntao principles in combat.
Seven levels of training take the novice to practitioner level. We consider a “practitioner” or Guru Muda to be a very good black belt level martial artist.
Practice Leaders conduct KunTao Silat classes all over the world. It is possible to study at a distance with modern technology, so we do offer a DistanceTraining Program and a vast offering of video and
DVD documentaries, seminars and training aids. We also conduct seminars and workshops and are available by email
KunTao Silat is designed for personal self defense, not military service.
Sigung Steve Gartin Who???
One of Three of Willem de Thouars’ longest term disciples, reveals secrets and principles of Indonesian and Chinese martial arts and demonstrates methods and techniques for incorporating KunTao Silat martial art principles into the modernAmerican lifestyle.
Malabar the short Story. American Martial Art with Indonesian Silat and Chinese Kung Fu roots. From beginning to Disciple level, these Five Shaolin and Indonesian Forms define the basic Malabar KunTao Silat system.
Martial Arts Links:
Friends and associates. Karate, Kung Fu, Kempo, Tae Kwon Do, Ju Juitsu, Boxing, Wrestling, Kickboxing, and a wide range of esoteric martial arts will ultimately be found on our links page. It is now under construction, but worth a visit and a page you will want to add to your favorites in the Dutch Indo/Chinese martial arts we know as silat and kuntao..
Martial Arts for The People {not police & military}:
Self Defense for everyone enjoying good health. The secrets of Indonesian and Chinese kuntao and silat martial arts applied to a modern American home self defense training program. Suitable for all ages and all levels of physical conditioning. KunTao and Silat, as Village-style martial arts, focus on the individual – rather than the agenda of the King. The individual must be capable of joining in defense of the Village, and must be trained to live at peace with his kinsmen.
the “old timers” who were there during the inception of Kun Lun Pai and its early growth, the first American gurus.
Elder Teachers and Senior Disciples. Video MPGs of forms and techniques, links to the Founders’ WebSites and historic information about *Serak*, Imoa Shantung Chinese kun tao and pentjak pukulan petjut kilat silat in Indonesia and America
KunTao Silat brings the most effective techniques and training methods of the Chinese Shaolin and Indonesian Silat arts together into an easily learned, highly effective, self defense program. Even learning at a distance is possible now, with the vast library of training and documentary videos and DVDs available to the KunTao Silat student. KTS is comprised of forms, techniques and training methods of poekoelan pentjak silat systems of Pamur, Ci Calong, CiMande, Serak, Kendang, Si Kwetang, Bondo Waso and Pejut Kilat Silat. The kuntao styles of Taih Keh, Po Qua Zen, I shing Po, Shantung, Quantung, Fukkien, Hokkien & Fuchin fist arts are also entertwined in the Indonesian Internal/External Chinese martial arts as practiced in Indonesia.
[Serak is a registered trademark used by permission of Victor Ivan Charlie de Thouars] .
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