
Kepa F

  • NOTE FROM STEWART Rhodes, Founder of Oath Keepers:

    Here we go again.  Just as with the soldiers at Ft. Hood, these Marines died unarmed, with no chance to return fire against their killer, directly as a result of a perverse, idiotic policy that mandates that even our military warriors must go unarmed under this “Commander in Chief.”   This is th…[Read more]

  • The American KunTao Silat system was born in 2000 at West Marin Martial Arts in California. Joe Judt was there and has been steadily practicing and teaching this system since.

    I asked Joe to travel about and introduce AKTS since I cannot yet do so. He graciously agreed to devote this year to meeting as many KunTao Silat practitioners as…[Read more]

    • I neglected to mention that the focus of this seminar series is on the elements of American KunTao Silat that are difficult, at best, to learn from video.

      We envision a synergism of Video Training with Local classes, seminars, workshoppes and private classes so that our members will have access to all the tools they will need to succeed in…[Read more]

  • Yes Jonathan, there are many layers of information contained in the forms ~ so you continue to have deeper revelations as you continue to practice the forms over the years.

    Hitting, kicking and clanging shins and elbows usually works best for the entries because a lock ties you up too. The more you hit during your entry, the more effective the…[Read more]

  • Guess everybody knows everything. :-)>

    Kendang is the most combat oriented silat art I’m aware of.

    Li Po Chang was a Tibetan Monk whose lineage was a mystery, so the arts he taught took on his name, Po Qua Zen, I Shing Po, Tai Keah Po ~ Po Style.

    The gaze is directly into the opponent’s eyes, although the wide eyes take in the terrain as well.

  • On the subject of PracticeLeaders, I post this email exchange:

    Good day Jonathan,
    I appreciate the positive feedback. The program is finally approaching completion and it’s a good time to be involved, now that all the basic information is readily available in video format. Being able to comment on test videos will certainly yield huge results for…[Read more]

  • Well my Friends, it has been a most enjoyable week conversing with you all.

    I can’t really apologize for having spent Seven years in the Cave of Adullum, because it was the right thing to do ~ but I have very much missed the companionship I find amongst you.

    This is the Grand Shemitah, what Christians call the Year of the Jubilee ~ although…[Read more]

  • Howdy Jon,
    The day got away from me. Sorry I don’t have time for a more exhaustive reply, but you brought up several cogent thoughts that I did not want to leave for later. I’ll quote you and respond so that no one will have to go back and forth to figure out what I’m responding to:

    “I eventually become an instructor and have worked to preserve…[Read more]

  • A fine day to you Jonathan,

    ‘Twas a pleasure to review your video of Djurus Satu and the first four Serak Djurus!

    I posted my review of your performance on the KunTao Silat Testing Group: https://vimeo.com/kuntaosilat/jonpyndusdjurussatu

    I’m quite impressed with your performance, particularly in light of the fact that you’ve only been in the…[Read more]

  • Well, there is a lot going on in KunTao Silat; and those of you who are not on the Vimeo Testing Group are missing a whole lot.

    Those who know me oft decry the fact that I have such disregaurd for money; but if that is a failing, I accept full responsibility.

    From now until Sunset Tomorrow, when the Sabbath begins, anyone who can get a test…[Read more]

  • Well, there is a lot going on in KunTao Silat; and those of you who are not on the Vimeo Testing Group are missing a whole lot.

    Those who know me oft decry the fact that I have such disregaurd for money; but if that is a failing, I accept full responsibility.

    From now until Sunset Tomorrow, when the Sabbath begins, anyone who can get a test…[Read more]

  • Well, there is a lot going on in KunTao Silat; and those of you who are not on the Vimeo Testing Group are missing a whole lot.

    Those who know me oft decry the fact that I have such disregard for money; but if that is a failing, I accept full responsibility.

    From now until Sunset Tomorrow, when the Sabbath begins, anyone who can get a test…[Read more]

  • The topic of “Learning by Video” is evergreen. Lot of People will tell you that it can’t be done, but I’m not sure that those of that persuasion do not have a vested interest in martial arts classes in their locale.

    Now I’m not trying to say that learning by video is the best way to learn, but for some in this world it is the ONLY way available…[Read more]

  • A grand good day GentlePeople,

    Today I’d like to discuss training through injuries.

    I realize that life throws us some curve balls from time to time; but the Martial LifeStyle demands continuous training. I have had my share of injuries and continued to train. I’m interest to hear how others have done that. . . or failed to do that.

  • Chas Clements had a very significant role in both the introduction of KunTao Silat and its development in early years. People who came to KunTao Silat via Chas and his students are always most welcome additions to the KTS Family. This is one of the reasons I’d like to maintain the first Eight Djurus as an integral part of the AKTS System, if not…[Read more]

  • Good morning GentlePeople,
    I just viewed a new video that Joe and I collaborated on that resides in the Vimeo Testing Group. For a thrown together project it did not turn out too bad.

    The reason I wanted this up is that the Chang Style basics appear simple, but there are many layers of information built into them that must be explained for most…[Read more]

  • Well that was my original thought, but I always like to triple check things that become semi-permanent such as parts of a system ~ and for that I rely on the intelligent consideration of more than just myself.

    I grok what Joe and Derric are saying, that it is unnecessary. . . to a point. One small part of the equation is that I indeed learned and…[Read more]

  • Well that was my original thought, but I always like to triple check things that become semi-permanent such as parts of a system ~ and for that I rely on the intelligent consideration of more than just myself.

    I grok what Joe and Derric are saying, that it is unnecessary. . . to a point. One small part of the equation is that I indeed learned and…[Read more]

  • Well, that may, or may not be true. One of the things that Bill Chang told me so often I wanted to gag every time he said it was, “Steven, you have TOO many moves. . . welly confusing!”

    Bear in mind that at this time I was studying with Willem every day, Living with Victor and visiting Paul a lot ~ so there was a lot of martial input I was…[Read more]

  • This concept actually parallels what I teach about applications in that three levels of the opponent’s body must be controlled for a technique to work properly: the feet/legs, arms/torso and head.

    As Joe so perfectly said, in KunTao Silat the displante can oft be controlled with a mere finger if the legs are placed advantageously.

    The…[Read more]

  • This concept actually parallels what I teach about applications in that three levels of the opponent’s body must be controlled for a technique to work properly: the feet/legs, arms/torso and head.

    As you so perfectly said, in KunTao Silat the latter two can oft be controlled with a mere finger if the legs are placed advantageously.

    The…[Read more]

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