Steve started the topic On-Line Learning System in the forum Guru Certification Course 8 years, 9 months ago
New for 2016 ~ On-line Learning System
A new era dawns for those interested in learning KunTao Silat!
Now those with the good fortune to have high-speed internet access can immediately access over a hundred KunTao Silat training videos 24/7.The ‘Learning Management System’ {LMS} is divided into two courses at present with plans to expand as…[Read more]
Steve started the topic On-Line Learning System in the forum Guru Certification Course 8 years, 9 months ago
New for 2016 ~ On-line Learning System
A new era dawns for those interested in learning KunTao Silat!
Now those with the good fortune to have high-speed internet access can immediately access over a hundred KunTao Silat training videos 24/7.The ‘Learning Management System’ {LMS} is divided into two courses at present with plans to expand as…[Read more]
Steve started the topic On-Line Learning System in the forum Guru Certification Course 8 years, 9 months ago
New for 2016 ~ On-line Learning System
A new era dawns for those interested in learning KunTao Silat!
Now those with the good fortune to have high-speed internet access can immediately access over a hundred KunTao Silat training videos 24/7.The ‘Learning Management System’ {LMS} is divided into two courses at present with plans to expand as…[Read more]
Steve started the topic On-Line Learning System in the forum Guru Certification Course 8 years, 9 months ago
New for 2016 ~ On-line Learning System
A new era dawns for those interested in learning KunTao Silat!
Now those with the good fortune to have high-speed internet access can immediately access over a hundred KunTao Silat training videos 24/7.The ‘Learning Management System’ {LMS} is divided into two courses at present with plans to expand as…[Read more]
Steve started the topic What is that move? in the forum What is that move? 8 years, 9 months ago
As part of the evolving KunTao Silat learning system, we are endeavouring to provide meaningful names for the movements, elements, strategies, energies, and various aspects of KunTao Silat.
If you want to know what something is called, please notate the time code and the link to the KTS video where it is found.
I will cut out that video and…[Read more]
Steve replied to the topic Guru Classes with Uncle Bill in the forum Distance Learning Program 8 years, 9 months ago
Hey Duane that’s a good idea!
Keep a time index on all the good stuff!
Steve replied to the topic Hips/Pelvis vs Waist turning to generate power in the forum Seasoned Practitioners 8 years, 9 months ago
The first method we show is the silat method, where although there is not as much power generated in the turning motion, the turning motion itself becomes the energy for the throw while the interaction of your legs moving against your opponent’s creates the displante. The hitting power then combines with the energy of the throw to dispatch the…[Read more]
Steve replied to the topic Hips/Pelvis vs Waist turning to generate power in the forum Seasoned Practitioners 8 years, 9 months ago
The first method we show is the silat method, where although there is not as much power generated in the turning motion, the turning motion itself becomes the energy for the throw while the interaction of your legs moving against your opponent’s. The hitting power then combines with the energy of the throw to dispatch the adversary.
The waist…[Read more]
Steve replied to the topic Hello everyone in the forum General Discussion 8 years, 9 months ago
Welcome to the KunTao Silat Family Fabrice!
It’s interesting that Randall was one of the five people who decided what would be in the original curriculum for the Kun Lun Pai, which is what I eventually called Malabar because that was the name given to my personal system from Willem. I had the good fortune of living and training with Randall for…[Read more]
Steve replied to the topic Hello everyone in the forum General Discussion 8 years, 9 months ago
Welcome to the KunTao Silat Family Fabrice!
It’s interesting that Randall was one of the five people who decided what would be in the original curriculum for the Kun Lun Pai, which is what I eventually called Malabar because that was the name given to my personal system from Willem. I had the good fortune of living and training with Randall for…[Read more]
Steve replied to the topic Pak Steve's Live Forum in the forum General Discussion 8 years, 9 months ago
I’ve gone back and forth about this issue for years. Serak is a great martial art, and for some people it is ideal.
Malabar KTS is based upon the teachings of Willem de Thouars, so it would seem most appropriate to include Serak somewhere in Malabar. Paul & Victor de Thouars claim that Serak is completely Indonesian with no influence from…[Read more]
Steve replied to the topic Is KunTao Silat the right art for me? in the forum KunTao Silat versus Etcetera 8 years, 9 months ago
Steve started the topic Is KunTao Silat the right art for me? in the forum KunTao Silat versus Etcetera 8 years, 9 months ago
An Email Exchange posted with permission:
Good day Michael,
Yes Sir.
And I thank you and Joe for all the guidance.
Sounds like AKS would be the better choice for me.
I think if I upturn a pickle bucket I should have no problems with the low horse stance.
I’ll get to…[
Steve started the topic Is KunTao Silat the right art for me? in the forum KunTao Silat versus Etcetera 8 years, 9 months ago
An Email Exchange posted with permission:
Good day Michael,
From: Michael
Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2016 7:53 AM
To: Pak Steve
Subject: Re: Form Submission from KunTaoSilat.comPak Steve,
I see there are two video download courses for KunTao Silat.
One is American…[
Steve started the topic Is KunTao Silat the right art for me? in the forum KunTao Silat versus Etcetera 8 years, 9 months ago
An Email Exchange posted with permission:
Thank you again for your time and consideration.
I have no doubt you’re a lot more knowledgeable and have a lot more first-hand experience with this than I do.I also understand there is no way to ‘unload’ a question like how much is adequate training for the average man.
Too many variables…[
Steve started the topic Is KunTao Silat the right art for me? in the forum KunTao Silat versus Etcetera 8 years, 9 months ago
An Email Exchange posted with permission:
Hi Michael, just a few thoughts.
Quoting Michael>:
> Joe,
> Which you say makes good sense it’s just that I think sporting versus
> life-threatening situations may be a tad different.Reply: Psycho-physiologically, there is no difference. The type of
stress does not matter, merely how you’ve…[
Steve started the topic Is KunTao Silat the right art for me? in the forum KunTao Silat versus Etcetera 8 years, 9 months ago
Hi Michael, just a few thoughts.
Quoting Michael>:
> Joe,
> Which you say makes good sense it’s just that I think sporting versus
> life-threatening situations may be a tad different.Reply: Psycho-physiologically, there is no difference. The type of
stress does not matter, merely how you’ve trained to manage it.> Like when you hear…[Read more]
Steve replied to the topic Realistic Knife Training in the forum Training Tips 8 years, 9 months ago
Steve replied to the topic Written Curriculum in the forum Questions 8 years, 10 months ago
Yes, John they are the same material used in a slightly different way.
For instance both Djurus Satu and Lankas Dua are performed in a slightly different way in American than in Malabar. From there the systems’ branches grow farther apart.
The American life style is considerably different than the life style in Indonesia was before the Second…[Read more]
Steve started the topic Guru Classes with Uncle Bill in the forum Distance Learning Program 8 years, 10 months ago
13 Guru Training Classes with Willem de Thouars
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