
Steven Vance

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    • #4206
      Steven Vance

      Ahh…okay. I’ll look forward to seeing that material next year. I think I remember seeing an outline of foot positions that would pertain to that on a de Thouars’ related website. It wasn’t given in that context, but now it makes sense. Thanks!

      For some reason I thought the dragon and tiger walking were some kind of stepping methods I hadn’t noticed – like tiger stepping in muay Thai, the bear stepping in baji quan, or the mud-wading step in bagua zhang. I think I was pigeonholing the legwork material as ‘stances’ in my mind…lol. If it was a snake it would have bit me…

      I didn’t remember a specific orangutan form, but didn’t know if I’d missed it. That makes sense. I do have Richard Clear’s dvd showing an ‘orangutan’ technique/attitude, as well as another one from William Sanders’ cimande. It caught my attention – I’m a big guy and the long arm ‘ape’ material makes a lot of sense for me. I also have a tongbei vcd I bought from China a couple of years ago that shows a bunch of long arm ‘ape’ throws and standing grappling that comes from the same basic moves that are in Djuru/Langka Dua.

      Thanks for taking the time to answer. Happy Holidays!


    • #1500
      Steven Vance

      Thanks for that, Steve!

    • #1564
      Steven Vance

      A few ideas to toss out here:Confusion on the evasive nature of Dua has a lot to do with calling it Langkah Dua, as the Langkah in the set aren't terribly evasive. The Djurus Djurus however, exhibit a technology for evading forward. Accepting force without giving up your forward energy or having to 'crash' the opponent.

      I was guilty of this one, definitely.

    • #1571
      Steven Vance

      Okay…I'll be the second to congratulate the two of you!

    • #1556
      Steven Vance

      I liked Steve's updates/added info on Lanka Dua.

    • #1555
      Steven Vance

      I got it to work.

    • #1554
      Steven Vance

      I'll try it on our desktop when I get a chance later today…

    • #1551
      Steven Vance

      So I got “video can't be played because the file is corrupt”…

    • #1545
      Steven Vance

      Thank you, for the encouragement.

    • #1490
      Steven Vance

      Most of the Krav Maga schools I've seen around seem pretty big on the marketing, very commercial…much like MMA.

    • #1543
      Steven Vance


    • #1430
      Steven Vance

      Hmmm…I know this post stopped a long time ago, but I think I'll throw in my two cents' worth.

    • #919
      Steven Vance

      Also speaking from a medical viewpoint, bullet wounds from smaller calibers and regular bullets at very close ranges are often through-and-throughs, with correspondingly small wound channels.

    • #1241
      Steven Vance

      Now that I am back, I will be resurrecting this area, and will get some posts up soon with treatment info, sources for helpful items, etc.

    • #1475
      Steven Vance

      An added reason for a barrage of strikes is that things rarely work as well outside of the class as in.

    • #1393
      Steven Vance

      I'm not sure why, but I only saw the page showing the parallel, but different paths, of American Kuntao Silat and Malabar Kuntao Silat last night.

    • #1392
      Steven Vance

      I have to admit, Steve, that is an issue of some concern for me.

    • #1329
      Steven Vance

      He offers VDT Serak(TM), Maphilindo and Madjapahit Silat, I believe.

    • #1360
      Steven Vance

      Yes…a belated Merry Christmas to everyone.

    • #1316
      Steven Vance

      I was trying to watch it on our laptop (craptop?), through a wireless modem, and it was not having a good evening.

    • #1314
      Steven Vance

      A FAQ sounds great to me.

    • #1311
      Steven Vance

      Hmmm…I tried logging in there with what I thought was my login and password, and it keeps telling me I'm wrong…?Steven

    • #1256
      Steven Vance

      What we tend to call “politics” in the martial arts…well, its really people who've let their egos get the better of them.

    • #1250
      Steven Vance

      I've picked up some things over the years in regards to the de Thouars.

    • #866
      Steven Vance

      I would prefer a certain amount of my knowledge concerning knives to stay secondhand…That is a nice looking folder.

    • #864
      Steven Vance

      I'm glad to hear that Columbia River makes good blades.

    • #1238
      Steven Vance

      I think, for me this is a scenario-based issue.

    • #916
      Steven Vance

      I'm sure most fatalities do occur at close range, and that knives are more likely to be fatal than guns.

    • #862
      Steven Vance

      Thanks for the suggestions.

    • #1228
      Steven Vance

      Art suggested I might want to jump in on this topic.

    • #913
      Steven Vance

      I doubt you're the only one.

    • #911
      Steven Vance

      Overall, my greatest preference is for swords, actually.

    • #860
      Steven Vance

      I wanted to take something pretty serious with me over to Iraq, when I went in '04.

    • #1207
      Steven Vance

      The wide eyes, or “crazy eyes” that you see with some Silat and Kuntao Silat practitioners have several benefits.

    • #4203
      Steven Vance

      Thanks. The whole thing seemed sort of surreal while it was going on. Like some weepy Hallmark special or something. We just haven’t reached the ending yet, where we find the pot of gold to reward us for getting through it all…lol.

      I’m glad to hear their is more material coming, especially from Bill Chang’s teachings.

      The info about how you structure your teaching is good stuff. Are the ‘Monkey Foot 1-8’ and ‘Monkey Stepping’ the same as the ‘Monkey Foot stepping drill’ that Steve listed above? Where would I find the info in the DVDs on that? I seem to recall monkey stepping drills in the ‘Basics’ dvd, but I don’t know that it was broken into numbered segments.

      What about the tiger and dragon stepping? And the Orangutan material for level six?

      Thanks again,

    • #4182
      Steven Vance

      I’m quite excited at the changes I see in the AKTS curriculum. I’ve always thought Serak should be positioned earlier and I’ve been hoping more of Bill Chang’s material would find its way into the art. Are there DVD’s to look forward to?

      Some questions –
      1) The 5 Stances? The long stance form has a lot more than 5. Where can I find info on this?
      2) Is the Golden Free Form the same as the Tai Keah form on one of the DVD’s?
      3) Where will I find material on the Orangutan?

      Sorry I’ve been mostly out of touch. Its been crazy at my house. We moved my mother in with us early last November, only to have her pass four days later. A little after that our younger daughter finalized her divorce and moved in with us, bringing her baby daughter. Then my wife lost her mom, an aunt, and her dad in about a five week period in the late Spring. At the memorial for her parents her younger half-sister died in the church parking lot from an accidental overdose. She was troubled and it is complicated. We’ve been adjusting to all of this and feel like we are finally coming out of the worst of it.

      I hope this holiday season finds everyone well and I look forward to being more present now.

      Steven Vance

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