
One Response to Sticking Hands at ThunderRock

  1. Jonathan Pyndus January 16, 2022 at 7:22 pm #

    I feel blessed to have had the chance to train at Thunder Rock and feel KTS first hand.

    I can tell you as former competitive Tai Chi Push Hands champion that Pak Steve’s Sticky Hands is an ESSENTIAL drill for transferring the sensitivity, structure, and balance attributes found in conventional push hands/sticky hands Internal Martial Arts training into a more “combat” oriented practice encompassing striking, grappling, and weapons while still providing for a fun and safe way to train.

    KTS really fills in the gaps and provides for a practical, realistic entry mechanism to deploy the tools and skills built up in conventional martial arts training. For the novice martial artist who begins in KTS you are getting the essence of realistic self defense and health/fitness martial arts without having to struggle through years of filtering out the wheat from the chaff.

    As Pak Steve told me, “it’s really very simple.”

    Thanks Pak Steve!

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