
An Important Message from Pak Steve to all of KTS

Hello everyone,

This is Dr. Jonathan Pyndus.  Pak Steve has asked me to share this letter with the KTS community:


Pak Steve’s Hand Written Letter

“To all those on the Earth who call me Teacher, I’m in prison again for a M4F someone else wrote and filed in a case closed April 8, 2004 in Colorado~18 years ago. 

This time Clyman + Estep will probably make good on their plan to murder me.
I have lived a life filled with love, adventure, success and blessings more than I can enumerate~but so much remains to be done that I don’t desire to taste Death yet.
The Creator has protected me and provided all I have asked for and more. I never asked for martial arts but it came as First Nature and my Teachers all appeared at the proper time. The fruit of those masters and some of the finest training partners and students one could imagine~is Kun Tao Silat~a legacy I leave to the world.
In as orderly a manner possible under the circumstances I hereby pass the KTS business to my #1 Lineage Disciple Guru Dr. Jonathan Pyndus. I expect Guru Jonathan will grow to excede my martial prowess and teaching skill.
Sigungs Aric Fowler and Joe Judt who have time in grade and have been my long time friends and Disciples will provide support and guidance that only they can.
KTS will continue to grow and expand to a greater audience and higher standards of excellence than I have been able to achieve in my haphazard approach.
Please give them your full, enthusiastic support.
Also remember that a Key to progress in KTS is Constant Practice! Make the movements and techniques First Nature to you~automatic. Let go and let God move through your body. Also work diligently for a closer Relationship to the Creator~nothing is more important.
May YHVH Richly bless you and those you love and Keep you until His Return,

All of this is a lot to process.  I am in shock myself, and humbly request some time before I formally comment as I was quite surprised when I received this news.  For now I simply wish to express my gratitude to Pak Steve, Sigung Aric Fowler, Sigung Joe Judt, and the entire KTS community alongside my pledge to follow Pendekar’s wishes and honor KunTao Silat.

Guru Pyndus’s Lineage Keeper Certification

Pak Steve has an audio message to our community which Rose and I are working to get online.

I do not have any other details for now, but I will update everyone as soon as I can.  I do ask that you please send Pendekar and Ibu Rose your love and well wishes.

Blessings and Regards,

Dr. Jonathan Pyndus





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