
KunTao Silat Seminar in New Mexico

May 21 & 22  2016:

The very first seminar focused on American KunTaoKunTao Silat Logo reColored Silat is scheduled to be held in the spacious American Legion Hall in Tularosa, New Mexico.

{The curriculum may evolve as we receive feedback from the participants. Changes & updates will be published here. }

American KunTao Silat is the seminar focus, although Malabar will also be addressed if folks have questions. Free testing is always offered at seminars, workshoppes and gatherings.

 Seminar: $200 for two days

  • {GCC 50% discount applies for members}


  • Motel: $40-70 night
  • RV Parks: $20-30 night
  • Creek: Free
  • Ranch Free
  • Bag it on the Hall floor – 3 nights = $20


  • Restaurants are close by
This Seminar will present the Keys to Success in KunTao Silat.
  • Constant Training
  • Kembaggan
  • Sticking Hands
  • Monkey Feet
  • KnifeWork

Partner training will be given great emphasis at this seminar because there will be a lot of people to work out with. There will be KunTao Silat practitioners who have been training for years, others just beginning. Some large, some small, some tall, some short . . . so that each practitioner will have the opportunity to experience partner training with a diverse spectrum of partners.

Practitioners desiring to test for Teacher certification will have plenty of folks to choose from to demonstrate the required applications.


  • Travel from El Paso Airport
  • Evening Gathering & Introductions, snacks & Libations


Beginning at 9 AM:

  • Stances
  • Chi Gung
  • American KTS Warm up
  • Monkey Feet ~ Sticking Hand

12: Lunch

  • Technical applications
  • Kembaggan


Beginning at 9 AM:

  • Breath in Motion
  • Internal Po Qua Zen
  • Knife Training

12: Lunch

  • Review and Questions
  • American KunTao Silat Firearms integration seminar
  • Free Testing


  • Travel to El Paso Airport

May is a beautiful month in New Mexico! The days are warming up into the 80s & 90s and the nights are in the 50s & 60s. We plan to break the seminar into three parts each day, beginning at 9AM and ending at sunset with the end of the day dedicated to extemporaneous food, leisure, review, testing & practice.

There is plenty of camping area along Tularosa Creek and 160 acres at the ranch, so there should be plenty of room for everyone to put up a tent,  throw down a sleeping bag or sling a hammock. There are also many motels within 20 miles. Everyone is welcomed to bring their families, children under 18 are welcome to participate without charge.

Contact Sigung Joe Judt for more information.

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One Response to KunTao Silat Seminar in New Mexico

  1. Steve April 15, 2016 at 8:17 am #

    I think I put this in the wrong place, so I placed a copy in “Seminars”

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