
Willem de Thouars Seminar Series ~ rental set of 13


BaPak Willem de Thouars, best known as “Uncle Bill” is world renowned for his martial application skills. These 12 Seminar DVDs comprise the best visual record of Uncle Bill in his prime, conducting seminars at a wide variety of martial arts schools in the Denver area during the 1980s and 1990s. Filmed and produced by Steve Gartin.

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BaPak Willem de Thouars, best known as “Uncle Bill” is world renowned for his martial application skills. These 12 Seminar DVDs comprise the best visual record of Uncle Bill in his prime, conducting seminars at a wide variety of martial arts schools in the Denver area during the 1980s and 1990s. Filmed and produced by Steve Gartin.

  1. First Video
  2. CiMande
  3. Laupers
  4. LegWork
  5. Entrances
  6. Silat 1
  7. Silat 2
  8. KunTao 1
  9. KunTao 2
  10. KunTao Silat
  11. KnifeFighting
  12. PoQua Zen

After two sets have sold, this Seminar Set will now be available only by rental. View rentals here: https://vimeo.com/ondemand/willem


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