The KunTao Silat Monkey is not your friendly neighborhood playful type. Primal ferocity, agility, cunning and power characterize this ape. Here Guru Dennis Wilding demonstrates some combat principles from the KunTao Silat version of monkey.
Tag Archives | monkey

HeartLess MonkeyKnife
Heartless Monkey Knife Copyright 1997 – Chas Clements Heartless Monkey Knife * purpose of the book: * (more…)

Monkey Knife
HEARTLESS MONKEY KNIFE The knife styling of American Kuntao Silat Heartless Monkey has no ‘second thoughts’; no compassion, no regret, no remorse, no reservations. Heartless Monkey has no regard for your humanity; your unique status as a Human Being deserving of anything, he sees you as a snake. (more…)