
Tag Archives | Pak Vic

Deadly de Thouars Brothers

Archives Classic: The Deadly de Thouars Brothers Video A glimpse into the teaching style of each of the de Thouars Brothers is found in this classic video from the 1990s filmed and produced by Steve Gartin. The de Thouars Brothers have found world-wide acclaim for their prowess in the silat arts, specifically Pentjak Silat Serak. […]

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Pak Vic’s Serak Djurus – 1-8

Pak Vic’s Serak Djurus are not included in the American KunTao Silat curriculum but they are an elective, because they make a good addition for the KunTao Silat legwork and delivery mechanism, especially for those who have studied Serak. Here, Guru Joe performs the first eight of the Pak Vic Serak Djurus.  

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