
Tag Archives | Uncle Bill

Deadly de Thouars Brothers

Archives Classic: The Deadly de Thouars Brothers Video A glimpse into the teaching style of each of the de Thouars Brothers is found in this classic video from the 1990s filmed and produced by Steve Gartin. The de Thouars Brothers have found world-wide acclaim for their prowess in the silat arts, specifically Pentjak Silat Serak. […]

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KunTao Silat’s Second Form: Lankas Dua

Lankas Dua Malabar and American KunTao Silat share the same second form, Lankas Dua – also known as the Flower Form. Although this is the only purely Silat form in KunTao Silat it is practiced in different ways between the two Systems. Lankas Dua has very direct legwork and evasive handwork, resulting in a winning […]

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Malabar KunTao Silat’s Third Form: Lankas Tiga/Monjet

Lankas Tiga/Monjet Malabar’s Third form comes from the Kendang Silat system and is a very demanding and difficult form for most folks. Also known as the Monkey Form, its low style circular movements provide the practitioner with training to develop uncommon agility, strength and balance. Willem de Thouars leads practice for the Guru Class.

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Martial Arts for the handicaped

  Martial Arts for the Handicapped copyright 1994 by Chas Clements Everyone is in danger. Tolerance is at a minimum. No one is safe. It is the responsibility of all people, of whatever physical condition to protect themselves, their loved ones and their own property. Just because you cannot see or walk or run away does […]

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Sensi vs. Salesman

SENSI vs SALESMAN ROUND 12 (Pendekar vs pendejo) The international parade of martial arts continues. From Judo and Karate to Tae Kwon Do and Hop Ki Do, to Shaolin Kung Fu and the various internal Chinese martial arts, Americans have witnessed wave after wave of “experts” who capitalize on the temporary ignorance of the buying […]

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