
Tag Archives | Victor de Thouars

Video download Blades of Thunder

KunTao Silat video downloads now available

KunTao Silat video downloads {more to come} Folks have been asking for video downloads of the classic KunTao Silat video tapes and DVDs so here they are. This is only the beginning. We expect to provide all of the original videos and most of the newer ones in downloadable MP4 format in the near future. […]

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Pak Vic’s Serak Djurus – 1-8

Pak Vic’s Serak Djurus are not included in the American KunTao Silat curriculum but they are an elective, because they make a good addition for the KunTao Silat legwork and delivery mechanism, especially for those who have studied Serak. Here, Guru Joe performs the first eight of the Pak Vic Serak Djurus.  

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