
An Update from Pak Steve

“Well, I want make a brief statement to my friends out there in Catron County and my students all over the world and the veryfew special people that really are concerned about me and what’s going on. I’m now 115 days in jail.I wanted to go over with you what they have on me, what the whole banana is.Now, you already know that all of this began with a motion for forgiveness that was filed by Thomas C. Miller without my permission long afterI had left the state of Colorado. So the foundation of the prosecution against me is that I had fled Colorado and taken asylum in New Mexico.I’m going to read to you from the governor’s warrant a few of the exhibits.It begins, the number one is the warrant from the Governor of New Mexico. Number two is the requisition from the governor of Colorado.Number three is the application for requisition. And I want to begin there because that lays out the case against me.This is to Jared Polis, Governor, state of Colorado, from Alexis King, district attorney,First Judicial District, Jefferson and Gilpin Counties, Colorado.What it says here is that she, is asking that you issue a requisitionto the executive authority of the indicated asylum state. The asylum state is New Mexico. For the return of the fugitive from justice named below.That would be me. Pertinent additional information is set forth below as well as in the attachments to this application.So we’re going to go through the meat and potatoes. So the fugitive is me. The case number is 07CR1121.I’ve marked that as exhibit number nine in this governor’s package.The charges, the Colorado charges, is CRS18-8-212 paragraph one, violation of bail bonds conditions. And then it begins:The fugitive is now in custody of Catron County, New Mexico. The agent for Colorado is Sheriff Jeff Shrader and or his duly authorized agent.Then it says a Colorado county court judge has expressly found probable cause to believe that the fugitive committed a criminal act in Jefferson County, Colorado,where there is an affidavit establishing probable cause. The second paragraph: The following record of the district court Coloradocertified by the clerk of the court are attached to this application and by this reference incorporated into it.Specifics of the Colorado charges are set forth in the attached copies.Number one, the arrest warrant, which I have as exhibit number 11. Number two is the complaint which I have as exhibit number nine.The information, number 10, and the affidavit for arrest warrant, number 12.  Then we go to the affidavit verifying the application. I, Colleen Lamb, the undersigned deputy district attorney  I should mention that thereis no date on that number three, application for requisition. It will go to affidavit verifying application.There is a date on this. It is the 5th of April of 2022. Do hereby state under oath. So Colleen Lamb is under oath, and she certifies  that she has read the foregoing application that I just read you. And I believe that the information in it is true and correct,that the attachments are authentic and apply to the fugitive named in the application.That in my opinion, the ends of public justice require the arrest and return of the accused to Colorado for a review hearing.That this application is not instituted to enforce a private claim. And that’s signed by Colleen Lamb, registration number 049965, deputy district attorney.So now we’re going to go into the actual meat and potatoes of it. And first of all, they have a triple certification, wherein everybody asserts thatthey’re telling the truth and that they should be listened to by virtue of the largess of their office.And the three people that are listed here … Well, actually there’s only two: Diana Coffey and Mark Randall.Diane Coffey is a clerk. And Mark Randall is the judge that ostensibly found probable cause. But in this they’re just … Here’s what they’re saying.They’re talking about Diane, when it’s Mark talking, and he says, “Duly commissioned and qualified that full faith and credit are and have right oughtto be given to all his/her official acts in all courts of record and elsewhere. And she says the same thing about him.That’s the triple certificate which I have listed as exhibit number five. The first of evidence is what’s called a complaint and information.And this was filed in combined court. The court date stamp looks like April 18, 2007. The case number is 07CA03027. The division is 07CR1121.The courtroom is C2. The charges are count one, violation of bail bonds. The same reference number in the CRS as I stated as the first one.And this is from Scott Storey, the district attorney. His ID number is 13482. It doesn’t say who the clerk was that took it into evidence in 2007.But it does say that warrant ordered probable cause found onset at 2000 CST. And this was signed by Judge Thomas Vance on 4-18-2007.It says that a warrant was issued on April 18, 2007. Then it has a stamp down at the bottom. And the stamp says PD, which means public defender,appointed upon demand by the judge on August 10th, 2007. About six months later it was docketed.The only actual court stamp date on it is 4-1-2022. And it was by Amy Hilliard, something like that. It’s difficult to tell.But this is certified to be full, true, and correct copy of the original in my custody. That’s the only date time stamp on it.  But the docket was in August. The complaint was in … Let’s see. April, and the warrant was issued about six months before there was a court date.Then the information comes next. I had that listed as number 10 in my exhibits. This is also for case number 07SA03027, and this is Scott Storey,District Attorney for the First Judicial District, and in the name of the people, he’s claiming that I violated bail bonds on June 13th, 2006.Oh, the problem with this one is that it’s a different case. This is case number 042541. Hmm. Oh, and there’s no court date stamp on it. It was signed by Ann C. Joyce,District Attorney, deputy district attorney, registration number 22142. And it has a place for a warrant, but it’s blank.That’s probably because it was for a different case.Okay. Now we go onto the warrant itself. This is exhibit number 11. The docket number is 0302007CR001121. So, it appears to be the same number as the requisition.  Okay. We, the people of the State of Colorado, to any officer duly authorized to execute warrants within the State of Colorado, you are commanded to arrest …And they’re talking about me here. They have my address listed in New Mexico, however, on 10th street. And now they have, looks like, three charges against me.  And it says this is a violation of bail bonds. It’s the same reference CRS. And this is an F-6 felony, they claim.Pursuant to rule five, Colorado rules of criminal procedure, the arrested person is to be taken before the nearest available county court or shallbe brought before this court when released on bond. The warrant is issued to the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department.Is $4,000, cash only. This warrant expires in 10 days. The date on the warrant is typed in over where the judge magistrate would sign it,but there is no judge or magistrate signature.It’s dated 4-01-2008. And the clerk of the court is, once again, Amy Hilliard. I don’t believe she was working for the court in 2008.  Not because there’s a stamp below it where she signed at 4-1-2022. So this warrant expired a little over 14 years ago and it wasn’t signed by a judge.The actual affidavit for the arrest warrant is… Let’s see, there’s no date on this court stamp. There is a court stamp on it, but no date.The date, let’s see, at the notary, was let’s see here, that was the 27th day of February in 2007. Once again, about six months before this case 07CR1211 was filed.Unfortunately, the case mentioned in this one is not 07CR1211. This is another case.I don’t think I’ll go into all of the false information in this affidavit because of pretty much castigated Gary Clyman as much as is necessaryfor not telling the truth. I’m going to go on to number 12 in the evidence.Number 13 is a letter to Noah Justice. He is The Extradition’s Coordinator and it’s regarding me. On behalf of The County District Attorney’s Office,I submit for the governor’s consideration and application for the issuance of a requisition to obtain the return of the following individualunder the Extradition Act. That would include me and it says me, and then it says the 90th day for fugitive proceedings is June 6th, 2022.I believe today is somewhere around the 21st, maybe or the 22nd. We’re right on the verge of three weeks past the time for proceedings,and that is signed Kennith Bacon, district court extradition specialist and that was dated April 7th, 2021.Then we have number 14, which is a letter from Noah Justice to Kyle P. Duffy, the associate general council on old Santa Fe Trail in Santa Fe, New Mexico.It says, “Dear, Mr. Duffy, enclosed is the requisition from Governor Jared Polis for Steve Douglas Gartin.If this request is honored, please forward the necessary paperwork to Catron County, New Mexico and request that Kennith Bacon,district court extradition specialist, Office of the District Attorney first judicial district, 500 Jefferson County Parkway, Golden, Colorado 303-271-6800,be notified when Steve Douglas Gartin is available for release into the custody of our agents.” signed “Sincerely Noah Justice, Extradition Coordinator,telephone number 303-763-2431.”And that’s the end of the case against me. So what I expect a reasonable person to assume from laying out all of the informationthat they claim to be true, that they claim to be the accurate records, although the court date stamps do not identify this asauthentic by any stretch of the imagination. There are no original court date stamps, except that one little stamp on… Thomas stamp.It does not have a valid stamp either. They only have the time that Amy Heighit or Huer whatever her name is, pulled him out and put him in this package.That was the 1st of April in 2022. Those are the only valid court date stamps that I had found on any of these things. So I would suspect that a reasonableperson given this pile of information and that would diligently plow through it and check the court case numbers and check the court stamps and the timingand everything else, would come to the conclusion that this is a very, very poorly pushing on the case.And there are no probable cause anywhere that I can find in any part of it. So I would say that it’s probably a good thing to ask questions.I think probably some people are going to want to be able to call the judge and say, “Hey judge, what about this?” Maybe, maybe not. But if that’d be the case,I think we may provide a number to at least a clerk of the court that you could call and ask for information.But God bless you all of you people. Yahweh,bless you because that is the actual name of God, may all things work well in your life.And hopefully none of you will ever have to go through what I’m being tried for.But have a beautiful day and if by any chance you seek to help, there’ll be information on this post.  Yahweh bless you all. precious, powerful name. Amen.”

Pendekar Steve Gartin

Anyone wishing to attend Pak Steve’s hearing today, 6/24/22, can call in via



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