The outdoor environment with varied terrain provides the perfect footing for KunTao Silat training. The ability to adjust to challenging environments gives the KTS practitioner one more combat edge. This footage was taken at the First Annual American KunTao Silat Family Gathering at the Seventh Heaven Ranch in New Mexico. Monthly seminars are scheduled to […]
Willem de Thouars demonstrates knife for Dan Inosanto
Willem de Thouars demonstrates knife fighting technique for Guro Dan Inosanto in 1994. This is an excerpt from the DVD: Dan Inosanto 1994 where Willem demonstrates knife fighting techniques and a form he learned as a child in Indonesia. Tai Eng, the Butcher was his teacher.
Joe Judt demonstrates knife defense
Sigung Joe Judt demonstrates knife defense concepts.
Ten Minute Hand WorkOut
Ten Minute Hand WorkOut Hand Kembaggan The Indonesian Kembaggan practice provides many keys for the practice of martial arts. Prolonged practice produces benefits far in excess of the aerobic perspective. It also conditions the body to move more effortlessly and the relaxation allows for greater power to be generated with the proper timing. Indonesian silat […]
Seminar in Madison Wisconsin
Sigung Joe Judt Seminar in Madison, Wisconsin Friday, May 6 at 6 PM – 8 PM in CDT Iron Pagoda Athletic Club 607 N Sherman Ave, Madison, Wisconsin 53704 Tickets Available: May 6th 6-8pm Kun Tao Silat with Guro Joe Judt. KunTao Silat is an art that combines old school kuntao with silat. Creating […]
Learning KunTao Silat by video
Learning KunTao Silat by Video: There are many advantages to Learning KunTao Silat by Video. First, distance from a teacher is no barrier. Anyone, anywhere in the world where mail is delivered or an internet connection is available can learn. Second, video provides pause, stop, start, rewind and replay as well as slow motion where […]
How early can children begin KunTao Silat training?
How early can children begin KunTao Silat Training? Of course it depends upon the child, but when they exhibit an interest in any aspect of KunTao Silat they can begin training immediately. Here is Elijah Rock Gartin when he was two years and three months old training with his father Steve. His mother, Tamara is […]
LongKnife SmallSpace Kembaggan
LongKnife SmallSpace Kembaggan From the Indonesian Kembaggan we learned one of the tools of constant training. Forget the aerobic aspect for a moment and just consider the aspects of timing, balance and precision of movement that training to music inculcates into the practitioners body. No matter where you are or what you have to train […]
Willem de Thouars demonstrates silat knife for Dan Inosanto
Willem de Thouars speaks to Dan Inosanto in two full-length DVDs produced by ThunderRock. This clip is from the first video in 1994 in Lakewood, Colorado. Ted Garcia assists Willem and Steve films.
Chas Clements
Pak Chas Clements Chas Clements is Co-Founder of KunTao Silat and one of the original Kun Lun Pai, a name given to a group of five men then surrounding and supporting the de Thouars Brothers in Denver, Colorado by Bill Chang {U. Un Surya}. Chas’ system, Pentjak Silat Betawi Muda is his personal martial lifestyle; […]