KunTao Silat Partner Training KunTao Silat practitioners find ways to train that may seem a little unorthodox. Our Sticking Hand training is somewhat similar to how goats play fight ~ at least in spirit. Here Steve trains with TwinkleToes in the clash of horn and hand. Slow motion reveals the timing, stance and position. Part […]

KunTao Silat Internal mechanics
Chang Style LegSet WarmUp Bill Chang called his art “Noble Gung Fu” and held that simplicity of technique and staunch mental focus provided the best combination for combat effectiveness. Here, Sigung Joe Judt explains some of the basics of the Chang Style LegSet WarmUp. AKTS Warm Up from Studio Garuda on Vimeo. Chang Style Warm […]

Sticking Hand: the ultimate training
KunTao Silat Sticking Hand – Key Training exercise The foundation of the concept is that KunTao Silat is a zero-range combat art designed to work with just about anything you can put in your hands. Toe to toe Partner practice accustoms the practitioner to close range and both the danger and opportunities that presents. If […]

Combat Cane video with Chas Clements
Formerly: Combat Cane for Cripples Unfortunately, combat is not reserved for the healthy and virile. People with various disabilities are often the object of the criminal elements because they think there is easy prey. Sigung Chas Clements has diligently studied many martial arts from the 1960s until 1978 when he was introduced to what is […]
KunTao Silat Triangle LegSet
KunTao Silat Triangle LegSet The Triangle LegSet comes from the Kendang Silat system and encompasses most of the critical leg maneuvers in silat. The front sweep is called “sapu” and the back sweep is “beset.” The turning 180 degrees accompanies both sweeps and is used in many of the most efficient silat applications. This is […]
Triangle Elbow Exercise
KunTao Silat Triangle Elbow Exercise KunTao Silat Triangle Elbow Exercise “It is a common practice amongst silat systems to practice the djurus (handwork) and lankahs (legwork) separately. In KunTao Silat we generally practice them together, because in most cases the legwork provides a delivery mechanism for the hitting tools and amplifies the magnitude of the […]
Malabar LegSet Class WarmUp.
KunTao Silat utilizes its own stances and handsets as a warm up. This is a typical KunTao Silat class warm up.

All KunTao Silat Forms in one place
KunTao Silat Forms: KunTao Silat is different from most martial arts in that KunTao Silat forms train actual combat related movements and strategy. We train as we fight. That is a simple concept, but isn’t it usually simple things that work? Here’s all the forms. Malabar KunTao Silat Forms Trailer from KunTao Silat on Vimeo. […]

KunTao Silat Training Methods
KunTao Silat Training Methods: Here is a growing set of Kuntao Silat Training Videos

KunTao Silat Inner Circle Videos
KunTao Silat’s Inner Circle videos: This is for KunTao Silat Inner Circle Subscribers Only