Martial Arts Martial arts are as old as mankind. Each culture and race has developed their own martial art system. KunTao Silat is a modern system developed from several Indonesian martial art systems. Both internal and external martial arts are practiced in Indonesia. Both hard and soft style martial arts are practiced in Indonesia. KunTao […]
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Paul de Thouars
The Deadly De Thouars` Copywrite 1995, Chas Clements In America, traditionally, fighting with the knife has not been looked upon with favor. We’re a nation of gunfighters; from the Colonial longrifle to the present ‘wondernine’. It has been left to the ‘underclasses’; poor, minorities, the criminal class and immigrants to favor the knife and to […]
Randall Goodwin
Kun Tao Silat a senior’s perspective — early years ! (C) Gurug — a pal in drome!? Guru Randall Goodwin Kun Lun Pai Kuntao Silat Thouars 3/25/97 “Uncle Bill” is one of the ways that we address our teacher Bapak Willem de Thouars in public. This is an indication of respect or an act […]
KunTao Silat Glossary
GLOSSARY OF KUNTAO SILAT TERMS Copyright Chas Clements, 1997, all rights reserved As received from Paul, Victor & Willem de Thouars, with respect and honor This effort is drawn from many sources. Primary and most significant is the DeThouars Family; The Elder Mother, her sons, Maha Guru Maurice, Pendekar Agung Paul, HaiTeng Sifu Willem, her […]
Fighting Knives interview with Victor de Thouars
A PAGE OUT OF INDONESIAN MARTIAL ARTS HISTORY; PENCAK SILAT Serak®. Maha Guru Victor de Thouars, interviewed by reporter Steve Gartin, for Fighting Knives/Street Fighter magazine. (more…)
Steve Gartin – Who?
Src: Steve Gartin, one of the Senior Disciples of KunTao Silat de Thouars, began study with Willem de Thouars in 1976 and recently founded Malabar KunTao Silat andAmerican KunTao Silat. Steve, former Sales Manager for Spyderco, Western and BenchMade cutlery companies and advisor and designer for many other cutlery companies, has Americanized the KnifeLore he […]