
It’s All in the Elbow

Southeast Asian Martial arts generally, and KunTao Silat specifically, are famous for effective use of the elbows as offensive and defensive weapons.

But aside from these more obvious applications of the elbow in striking, blocking, and deflecting techniques lies a deeper principle: the elbow is one of the keys to martial arts.

The elbow is the next major joint down from the shoulder, which itself connects directly to the spine via the trapezius and rhomboid muscles.  Thus, movement of the elbow invariably involves the shoulder and thus the spine.

This means that a proper unification of the elbow to the spine and legs via stances creates more powerful and efficient movements.  It also means that if you can control the movement of an enemy’s elbow, you can effectively change the alignment of his spine, disrupting balance and all of his kinetic chains.

Take a second look at all of the Djurus and you’ll start to notice a lot of emphasis on the position and alignment of the elbows in each posture and transition.

Study this deeply in Sticky Hands and Free Play Sparring.

Have fun!

Dr. Jon

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