Level One sets the stage for the KunTao Silat journey.
Level One is the Key to the entire Martial LifeStyle, and so will be the door through which new practitioners must enter the program henceforward.
As of August One KunTao Silat memberships will be available ONLY to those who have tested and passed Level One.
In forty years of learning and teaching KunTao Silat, I’ve seen many, many martial arts experts of a wide range of martial disciplines totally fail to learn and apply KunTao Silat in combat. . . most, even in the simple performance of the forms.
It became glaringly obvious to me WHERE they fail. In their arrogance, or ignorance, they bypass the very specific KTS basics and try to make KunTao Silat principles work with ‘kempo’ concepts. And, of course, they claim to be what they are not, KunTao Silat teachers, which creates an erroneous perspective of exactly what it is that makes KunTao Silat effective as a martial discipline.
Therefore, new practitioners will remain in Level One status until they submit their testing video and pass to Level Two. There will be no time constraints, so that folks can work at their own pace, but there will be no membership benefits until they pass Level One and have the opportunity to choose the membership they desire to continue with as they progress up the Levels.
The cost for entering Level One will be $50 and the test to continue will be $100.
The $50 entry will include a DVD or downloads for Level One. No membership benefits will attach to Level One.
In the next communique I’ll provide links for the new Entry Level and the revised prices for memberships.
Meanwhile, make it a joyful and inspiring day,
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