
Message from Ibu Rose


Dr. Jon here.  The following is a message from Ibu Rose which she asked me to share with the KunTao Silat community on her behalf:


“I speak from with-in my heart a moral outrage, lost words changed meanings,Freedom, pride, patriot, all criminal words in this day and time. My life, country, home have and are all being raped. financial living on a fixed income after bills such as auto payment, insurance, phone,electricity, propane, etc. I am left with approximately 600.00 a month to cover fuel, maintenance, medicine, food, clothing, laundry, and in general living cost. for example My savings over 5 years has been totally exhausted.

With this erroneous accusations of the thought police,of profiling asking insulting questions such as my sex life and more. The in my opinion THIEF T of my property with out cause or any due process,my guns, left with noting to defend myself, living 7 miles from a highway and 5 miles from nearest neighbor. surrounded by forest,and wild life.

The phone bills alone just since April late in the month till end of June amount to 2,648.01 Why so much, for one reason the incarceration of my life partner ,my physical help with feeding animals,digging by hand and shovel, routs to direct water for animal care, home use, trees and the like, why?

Landlord was supposed to replace a 40 year old broken rusted water pump and did not in the meantime I saved funds for pump and equipment and installation, this is just an example of one major cost and one major physical event that I am unable to perform. There are many others.

Respectfully and humbly I realize I am not alone there are many others experiencing a like or similar situation. Due to a zealous and embarrassing air of a heavy political climate.

We the people are witnessing the fall of our justice system. Anger and hatred does not serve any side of any issue, these emotions only serve the coward. Causing great stress in ones life, stress is a killer.A forced esquire upon an accused victim, whom has not been declared by reputable phyhsician incompetent, only by a Judge who thinks he or she are of elite status,answered this my  question with I demand an esquire for defendant “because I am the judge and I said so”.   It also was stated “do not mention that word the Consitution in my courtroom if so you will be held in contempt of court”. How arogant ,instilling Fear,Stress,and more these atributes can only push an accused to the grave.

My partner Steve I assume feels this frustration dailey as I and many others do.He,Myself and other in these situation have been and are being striped of rights, unallowed to speak, only your attorney is allowed to do that. No contact from asigned attorney at all,I ask is this right?

Steve is now 73 years old He is deprived of healthy food, clean water, no supplements for health, which have been used a lifetime. No pillow suffers with neck problems, one blanket ,subjected to cold air conditioning 24- 7 no sunshine, solitary confinement, He now suffers from intestinal impaction a very dangerous condition ,swollen feet and ankles, hypertension, swollen prostrate and much more His body is begining to deteriate from unconsionable conditions and no due process to place a man in such a enviroment. You ask how does this effect me?

I answered a bit in the begining of this testiment ,now comes my health,74 years of age, I have suffered Kidney stones, gallbladder problems, broken leg and smashed ankle which I still suffer from, regarding walking lifting,standing for any longer than a few minutes, swelling of ankles hugely, swelling of feet, cramping of legs ,sometime of arms ,chest pain, breathing difficulty, hypertention, brain anuerism and more I find myself without the assistence and care that Steve has provided me for several years. The emotional aspect is very debilitating as well. I  am unable to tote water, to clean chicken coop, to carry bags of animal feed to clear yard of any debree etc.This letter is just the tip of the situation.

I will give the legal aspect and hard copy of unsigned, broad no specifics of warrant 14 years and older legal case,stemming from restraining order from in-laws and ex wife no violence ever, The fearwas He is a patriout and I am afraid he will take MY children to a commune or something.

first the children are Mr. and Mrs. children together concieved in love. There was no threat of any sort. The restraining order was broken by a phone call to the children . there is documentation of this.I will do updates soon.

IBU Rose”

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