Southeast Asian Martial arts generally, and KunTao Silat specifically, are famous for effective use of the elbows as offensive and defensive weapons. But aside from these more obvious applications of the elbow in striking, blocking, and deflecting techniques lies a deeper principle: the elbow is one of the keys to martial arts. The elbow is […]
Tag Archives | Malabar

Guru Dr. Jon Pyndus performs Malabar KTS Forms
Why Are You Hitting Yourself?
By Dr. Jonathan Pyndus on December 23, 2022 in Forms, Health, Informational, Training, Uncategorized
One of the distinctive motions of Pentjak Silat has to be the percussive slaps players inflict upon their own bodies as they practice Djurus or play Kembanggan. While many Okinawan, Chinese, and Korean Systems may feature an occasional technique wherein the practitioner strikes or slaps against their own body, Silat is generally full of such […]

KunTao Silat in Italy
Guru Muda Estevan Mulloni introduces Malabar KunTao Silat in Italy. Malabar KTS is a traditional Dutch/Indo/Chinese martial discipline codified up to Sigung Level by Pak Steve Gartin from decades of personal training with the de Thouars Brothers. To a considerate, disciplined and well-trained warrior, it might be considered imprudent to be rolling around on the […]