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Tag Archives | Silat

Civilian martial arts
Knives are the oldest tools known to mankind. The knife has been a part of every culture in history. It is no wonder that the knife would become a favorite for personal protection. Martial arts in Indonesia have long practiced the art of knife fighting in its many forms. The Indonesians have a particular fondness […]

10th Annual Family Gathering
Uncle Bill’s WebSite The 10th Annual Family Gathering was held October 23-24, 2004. (more…)

Martial Arts for the handicaped
Martial Arts for the Handicapped copyright 1994 by Chas Clements Everyone is in danger. Tolerance is at a minimum. No one is safe. It is the responsibility of all people, of whatever physical condition to protect themselves, their loved ones and their own property. Just because you cannot see or walk or run away does […]

In the Adat of Hormat copyright 1993 Chas Clements As a student of Silat; Who is your teacher? Well kids, first –he is a hell of a fighting man, you give him respect because you have no choice – to associate with him is to show respect for the danger of him. (more…)

All KunTao & Silat Groups Welcome
Teachers of the Indonesian Martial Arts With grace to our Indonesian martial mentors: U. Un Surya: GrandMaster, Ming Po Home, with God, at rest. Praise YHVH for his time with us. Our Teacher and Brother in the Lord: Willem de Thouars Bapak, KunTao Silat de Thouars KunLun Pai & RatuDuri Silat Pendekar, Serak® Silat Paul […]
Martial Arts origins
Martial Arts Martial arts are as old as mankind. Each culture and race has developed their own martial art system. KunTao Silat is a modern system developed from several Indonesian martial art systems. Both internal and external martial arts are practiced in Indonesia. Both hard and soft style martial arts are practiced in Indonesia. KunTao […]

KunTao Silat Glossary
GLOSSARY OF KUNTAO SILAT TERMS Copyright Chas Clements, 1997, all rights reserved As received from Paul, Victor & Willem de Thouars, with respect and honor This effort is drawn from many sources. Primary and most significant is the DeThouars Family; The Elder Mother, her sons, Maha Guru Maurice, Pendekar Agung Paul, HaiTeng Sifu Willem, her […]