
Train Smart: KunTao Silat’s constant training concept

KunTao Silat’s Constant Training

Constant Training is the method by which folks excel in KunTao Silat. There simply is little chance of learning KunTao Silat without building the training methodology into your daily life.  KunTao Silat basics are difficult for most experienced martial artists to accomplish because they have been mentally indoctrinated to believe they have to be on the dojo floor or in the gym to be working out. These concepts must change in order to practice the KunTao Silat Basics enough to master them. “Working Out” must be incorporated into your daily life. Everything  you do must be in the spirit of working out, training, practicing in order to master KunTao Silat basics. That is the greatest hurdle for accomplished martial artists – sometime beginners have the advantage in view of the fact that they have nothing to “un-learn” before concentrating on the basics of the KunTao Silat systems.

Here are a few examples of “Constant Training” in action:

Work Station Workout demonstrates the application of KunTao Silat training in virtually any profession people engage in.

 Travel Training

Kitchen Duty Training

Herding Goats

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