Someone once said that one can count the true friends of a lifetime on the fingers of one hand. Chas is certainly one that I count. We became friends through the Kun Lun Pai, before there was any thought of KunTao Silat. Chas and I argued for years over whether it was kuntao or […]
KunTao Silat video downloads Sale KunTao Silat Guru Certification Course AKTS & MKTS Video Download Malabar KunTao Silat Course download American KunTao Silat MP4 video download American KunTao Silat 2014 Djurus Satu 2015 Video Download KunTao Silat Forms Download American KunTao Silat 2014 Paladin Press Secrets of Silat introduction video American KunTao Silat 2014 American KunTao Silat 2014 […]
Who is in charge?
This lovely puppy is owned by one of my students in San Antonio, Texas. He’s a Labra Doodle who loves to play, is mischievous and often gets into trouble. I loved meeting him, and could not stop playing with him. He was awesome. But, he was clearly in that puppy stage and out of control. […]

Sigung Joe Judt’s apeX Martial Arts School opens
Level Up ~ Get Fit With a Purpose Kuntao Silat is a rare gem of the martial arts. It is traditional and classical, yet modern and functional. Students engage in many old school exercises that reveal principles and strategies that ensure successful self defense against bigger, taller and more aggressive opponents. Kuntao Silat will not […]
SelfDefense preparation and Civil War
Many of our city-dwelling friends and family do not get to hear any thought provoking information during the course of their busy days and nights. Of course, a civil war would certainly be worse in the cities ~ but those living more remote observe and follow the signs in order to prepare in advance of […]

Sigungs Joe Judt & Aric Fowler demonstrate
Pendekar Steve Gartin inducted into the World Pugilist Hall of Fame
World Pugilist Hall of Fame

2018 KunTao Silat Glenwood Gathering
From the perspective of one who was there: Stephen Roy Parker is with Estevan Mulloni and 12 others in Glenwood, New Mexico. Yesterday at 4:51 AM · Last weekend I attended the 2018 Gathering of Kuntao Silat with Pendekar Steve Gartin, Sigungs Joe Judt and Aric Fowler. All this last week I have been sitting […]
Diplomacy. How is it spelled?
And how might KunTao Silat be used to advantage in usual occurrence? Jest a normal day, meeting new People, both animal and human; shot from a covert position. Observations?

22 & 24th of March 2019 KunTao Silat Gathering in New Mexico
March 22 ~ 24 2019: This KunTao Silat seminar is scheduled to be held in the beautiful Western Mountains of New Mexico. {The curriculum may evolve as we receive feedback from the participants. Changes & updates will be published here. } American KunTao Silat is the seminar focus, although Malabar will also be addressed if […]