Chas Clement’s Commentary
1982 in Willem’s backyard ~ yeah. . . intro is too long

Post Training

Exercises for Health

Synergy of body movement

Guru Dr. Jon Pyndus performs Malabar KTS Forms
Sticking hands with Pak Steve and Guru Jon
Testing Resumes
By Dr. Jonathan Pyndus on May 5, 2023 in Applications, Forms, Health, Informational, Inner Circle, Knife, News, Teachers, Testing, Training, UpDates, Video
Greetings to everyone in KTS, With Pak Steve’s release this weekend we will be resuming online testing. However, to streamline the online testing process for everyone in the Distance Learning Program and the Guru Certification Course tests will now be conducted via live video conference using FreeConferenceCall.com, FaceTime, or FaceBook Messenger. If you are wanting […]
BIG NEWS: Pak Steve to Return Home and More
By Dr. Jonathan Pyndus on April 27, 2023 in Informational, Inner Circle, Teachers, Training, Uncategorized
Greetings to the KTS community, My apologies on the website having technical issues. While they are far from fixed, you should be able to access this page now. If it says, “critical error,” just refresh your browser. In order to do more complete repairs, we need Pak Steve’s passwords, which he cannot remember unless […]