
Archive | Health

Why Are You Hitting Yourself?

One of the distinctive motions of Pentjak Silat has to be the percussive slaps players inflict upon their own bodies as they practice Djurus or play Kembanggan. While many Okinawan, Chinese, and Korean Systems may feature an occasional technique wherein the practitioner strikes or slaps against  their own body, Silat is generally full of such […]

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The Difference Between Malabar and American KunTao Silat

Recently, I was asked an excellent question by a member of the Distance Learning Program: “What is the difference between Malabar and American KunTao Silat?” The answer can be simple or complex. Simple answer: Malabar KunTao Silat is the original curriculum granted to Pak Steve by the De Thouars family First Lineage Disciple, and contains […]

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The Six Zones of Attack

As Ibu Rose mentioned in her recent guest post, Pak Steve and I are working on the definitive KunTao Silat book.  Here is an early excerpt, subject to much change: One of the biggest victims of cultural misunderstanding and outright misrepresentation as the martial and medical arts of Asia have spread to the West is […]

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Internal/External Horse Stance: The Root of KunTao Silat

Depending on long you have been in martial arts, or how wide your experience has been with the innumerable traditions available to us now in the 21st Century, you may or may not have noticed that some version of Horse Stance (aka Tiger Stance in Malabar) is found in virtually every system.  Even “modern” combat […]

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Why Forms?

In American martial arts culture, particularly with the influence of Bruce Lee, it can be common to encounter the argument that the choreographed solo practice routines we call “forms” in English and “Kata,” “Djurus,” “Hyung,” “Taolu,” etc. in other languages are a waste of time. When you consider how most “strip mall” Dōjō conduct their […]

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KunTao Silat: The Healing Art (?)

Greetings to all in KTS, Recently I found myself undergoing an emergency appendectomy, or the removal of my appendix due to inflammation.  While the entire experience is an educational story all its own on many levels (which I may share at some point for those of you who are interested in the healing arts), for […]

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Djurus Satu: One Form to Rule Them All

It does not matter how many years or repetitions I have playing Djurus Satu.  There is always so much more combat lore to mine from its depths I truly stand in awe of it.  Of the various forms I have studied in 21 years of martial arts, an argument could be made for Djurus Satu […]

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Message from Ibu Rose

Hello, Dr. Jon here.  The following is a message from Ibu Rose which she asked me to share with the KunTao Silat community on her behalf:   “I speak from with-in my heart a moral outrage, lost words changed meanings,Freedom, pride, patriot, all criminal words in this day and time. My life, country, home have […]

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Greetings to Everyone in KunTao Silat

Hello KTS Community, As I’m sure most of you have seen, last month Pak Steve Gartin made the surprise announcement that he wants me to carry on his KunTao Silat legacy as Keeper of the Lineage.  This means that I will be carrying the banner for Pak Steve’s Malabar and American KunTao Silat disciplines, as […]

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Live video Application Training Classes now live ~

Guru Muda Dr. Jonathan Pyndus conducts weekly application classes on-line. For those of you who have a desire to explore the depths of KunTao Silat’s combat technology, whether you currently have a training partner to practice with, or not, should participate. Each weekly class is archived and available for download by subscribers. Last week’s class […]

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