
Archive | Teachers

Jonathan Pyndus Guru Muda Malabar KunTao Silat

Jonathan Pyndus Guru Muda Malabar KunTao Silat Jonathan is the first to complete the Malabar KunTao Silat video training program with a full video testing record on-line. Only members of the Vimeo TestingGroup can normally see test results. Today and tomorrow will be an exception to that rule for this video. I realize that it […]

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KunTao Silat TriAngle Sapu

KunTao Silat TriAngle Sapu

TriAngle Sapu: KunTao Silat’s TriAngular footwork patterns serve many functions. Here Guru Jeff Fargo and Kyle Mentink, from Sigung Joe Judt’s lineage, demostrate a basic triangle sapu {front sweep} technique from the first movement of the training set. Videoed by Steve Gartin at the First Annual American KunTao Silat Gathering at the Seventh Heaven Ranch […]

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Malabar KunTao Silat Level Five

Kyle Mentink ~ Malabar KunTao Silat Guru Muda

In the recent 2018 Glenwood Gathering, Kyle earned promotion to Guru Muda! Congratulations Kyle ~ you have well-earned this advancement with copious lumps, bruises and hard training. Your students will be richly graced by your knowledge and kindness. Unfortunately, Kyle tested this time on ThunderRock with no video cameras rolling ~ so there is no […]

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KunTao Silat Teachers

Pak Steve introduces master KunTao Silat Teachers

Pak Steve introduces Sigung Joe Judt, Guru Jeff Fargo and Guru Dennis Wilding as certified master teachers of Malabar KunTao Silat and American KunTao Silat. Practice Groups are also forming in San Diego and San Francisco under the leadership of certified 4th and 5th Level KTS teachers.

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