Simple video testing procedure: Brief Introduction 720p minimum resolution Good crop Good lighting Each form performed twice, once normal training speed, once slowly for detail Techniques performed at half speed, then full speed Upload to free Vimeo account \ add to KTS Testing Group
Tag Archives | kun tao

KunTao Silat Internal mechanics
Chang Style LegSet WarmUp Bill Chang called his art “Noble Gung Fu” and held that simplicity of technique and staunch mental focus provided the best combination for combat effectiveness. Here, Sigung Joe Judt explains some of the basics of the Chang Style LegSet WarmUp. AKTS Warm Up from Studio Garuda on Vimeo. Chang Style Warm […]
KunTao Silat is not for Everybody
Ten DVD Guru Certification Course and registration = $200 Full set of Ten DVDs and all the benefits of registration and membership in the program. Credit/Debit Card:

KunTao Silat Glossary
GLOSSARY OF KUNTAO SILAT TERMS Copyright Chas Clements, 1997, all rights reserved As received from Paul, Victor & Willem de Thouars, with respect and honor This effort is drawn from many sources. Primary and most significant is the DeThouars Family; The Elder Mother, her sons, Maha Guru Maurice, Pendekar Agung Paul, HaiTeng Sifu Willem, her […]