
Pre-Paladin Press: Secrets of Silat

A KunTao Silat Introduction for Paladin Press KunTao Silat Introduction to Paladin Press from KunTao Silat. Paladin Press came to Steve Gartin in 1997 seeking the definitive knife fighting video because of his notoriety as the leading expert in the United States. Negotiations led to an agreement to produce a complete series of videos on […]

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Deadly de Thouars Brothers

Archives Classic: The Deadly de Thouars Brothers Video A glimpse into the teaching style of each of the de Thouars Brothers is found in this classic video from the 1990s filmed and produced by Steve Gartin. The de Thouars Brothers have found world-wide acclaim for their prowess in the silat arts, specifically Pentjak Silat Serak. […]

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4th of July Seminar

KunTao Silat Training in New Mexico

KunTao Silat training with Steve I want to spend some time training and visiting with my KunTao Silat Family!  This coming April will mark eight years that I have been away from civilization.  It has been a most enjoyable experience, but now I’m close enough to a town to enjoy guests.  The first People I’d like to […]

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Combining Breath with Motion

KunTao Silat’s Breath in Movement Warm Up KunTao Silat has now expanded its curriculum to include the internal mechanics taught to Steve Gartin by Great GrandMaster U. Un Surya of Indonesia. American KunTao Silat embraces these internal mechanics in lieu of the Shaolin style power generation methods used in Malabar KunTao Silat at the upper […]

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San Antonio American KunTao Silat Seminar

San Antonio, Texas November 7 & 8, 2015 Experience Authentic Combative Martial Art in an exclusive two-day seminar. Simple, direct, and effective American Kuntao Silat is renowned for it’s practical, no-nonsense approach to self defense and the ability to swiftly impart high level skills to students. It is a fully ‘weapons aware’ art, not a sport. Come see why top […]

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KunTao Silat Heavy Bag Training

Heavy Bag Training  KunTao Silat trains many different energy delivery methods, hitting tools, diverting blows and body hardening with the heavy bag. The free swinging bag provides infinite variations for timing and body alignment as well as the preparation for large objects moving toward the practitioner. The use of chairs or other movable objects surrounding […]

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KunTao Silat

The American Martial LifeStyle

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