
Kyle demonstrates the crowding and "cage" effect of KTS stances.

Training Partners, Friends & Associates

In KunTao Silat, training partners are a major key to progress and proficiency. YHVH graced me with several exceptional training partners in the early days of my training in the myriad martial arts that ultimately became known as KunTao Silat. George and Phillip were my original training partners and Randall came along a couple of […]

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Rick Vargas Level 4 Malabar KunTao Silat Teacher

Progressing in KunTao Silat

Progressing in KunTao Silat The best place to find current, cutting-edge Kuntao Silat information is on the KunTao Silat Video Testing Group. KTS Members can join the Video Testing Group for free! Watch videos of current and past student tests to learn common mistakes, get tips to help you better prepare for testing at each […]

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Basic Internal Applications

Basic Internal Applications: American KunTao Silat utilizes some energy and power generation concepts that are different from those found in Malabar although the combat strategy is quite  similar. This is a brief introduction of two of the AKTS WarmUp elements with a short demonstration of the melding of the elements from the Breath in Motion […]

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KunTao Silat constant training

In KunTao Silat constant training provides the means to accelerate mastery of the basic, or fundamental, tools of combat. This page is open to everyone because it will provide a glimpse into the possibilities of building your martial lifestyle training around your profession or daily life regardless the martial arts you practice.  WorkStation WorkOut Constant […]

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KunTao Silat health training

KunTao Silat health training for internal awareness

KunTao Silat health training Day Two of the Spring Equinox GuruTraining found the participants a bit on the sore and tired side, so before descending into the creek for rock training we took some time to rejuvenate with some ancient principles from several spiritual disciplines. Although these training sessions are specifically for gurus-in-training, this one […]

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American KunTao Silat

New KunTao Silat T-Shirt Designs

New KunTao Silat T-Shirt designs: The new Official KunTao Silat T-Shirt site is live. http://www.cafepress.com/officialkuntaosilattshirts There are sections for black and white T-Shirts with Malabar KTS, American or just KunTao Silat. There are a few T-Shirts available in other colours as well. Please let me know if you can’t find what you’re looking for or […]

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New KunTao Silat training option-for PracticeLeaders only

KunTao Silat is a much larger body of martial knowledge than most folks can imagine. In order for Gurus-in-Training to comprehend the intricacies and options contained in the first few levels, I have decided to offer personal training sessions wherein the students have the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers in real-time and also […]

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Jonathan Pyndus Guru Muda Malabar KunTao Silat

Jonathan Pyndus Guru Muda Malabar KunTao Silat Jonathan is the first to complete the Malabar KunTao Silat video training program with a full video testing record on-line. Only members of the Vimeo TestingGroup can normally see test results. Today and tomorrow will be an exception to that rule for this video. I realize that it […]

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History of KunTao Silat

History of KunTao Silat – part one How kung fu adapted to the jungles of Indonesia {copyright Joe Judt circa 2005} They stood across from each other on the fighting floor; the dust stained with blood of martial heroes who had measured their skill in an arena where there are no rules. One, a savvy […]

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Wachters’ High power nutrition

Wachters’ High Power Nutrition and KunTao Silat I discovered Wachters’ and was first declared ‘crazy’ in the early 1970s when I became involved in the quest for perfect nutrition. “They” called me a ‘health-food nut.’ Now, decades later, people ask me all the time how I maintain high energy levels for extended periods and never […]

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KunTao Silat

The American Martial LifeStyle

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